
It does have that effect on some people.

Family can be tricky. My little brother didn't think much of Fury Road, but then he also didn't like The Big Lebowski on first viewing, so I'm sure he'll eventually come around.

I heard Napoleon turned out okay.

No matter how badly Steel failed as a film, they did at least remember to adapt the actual comic-book character. He had the same name and everything.

I've seen her in a few other things and she's been perfectly competent. She's a decent enough actor that she shouldn't be primarily known as "that naked alien lady".

Serious question: Has there ever been a worse, on every level, superhero adaptation than Halle Berry's Catwoman?

Well, my big Gilmore Girls rewatch has come to an end with the conclusion of season six, to be replaced by my big first-time watch, as I embark on the unfamiliar, Christopher-laden, seas of season seven. And I'd like to begin by saying: Ugh, Christopher. He needs to go away and stop burning everything down.

He's got a bet on with a couple of the Seraphim and a gentleman's agreement not to use his omniscience to cheat?

Except incest and morris dancing.

And I guess the bar's going to stay there until the day they cast Channing Tatum in the remake of A Beautiful Mind.

… and is married to Amy Acker in real life.

Rather than look up any of those silly "facts", I'm going to assume the Twister soundtrack consisted of as many songs with the word "twist" in the title as the producers could dig up, and therefore Dire Straits' Twisting by the Pool ended up there by accident.

Does she seem more or less convincing as a brilliant and experienced scientist than Denise Richards in The World Is Not Enough?

Something something the bomb in Phantoms, yo.

Was Suicide Squad Cara Delevinge's first acting gig? I got the impression she was a model before this, and I don't want to add to this unjust ranking by googling her.

John Cazale is likely the only actor whose feature film track record contains nothing but stone-cold masterpieces, although I haven't seen The Conversation so I may be going out on a limb here.

Ugh, yes. The only adaptation I've seen is the Will Smith version, but… yeah. Without the ending the damn title doesn't even mean anything.

I'm still not clear on how they manage to make erotica while dressed up in all the heavy protective gear necessary for training dangerous animals.

I'm not saying it should have been easy, but I have been consistently disappointed by Sky's attempts to adapt Terry Pratchett books.

That's what you'd think, but there's more to it than that. You have to watch this movie to find out the one simple trick that makes sex-ologists hate her.