
Do you think, when Woody and Lili were doing their sex scenes together on True Detective, they realised the coincidence? "Hey, we have the same birthday! I am exactly 31 years younger than you!"

There was some good stuff in Dead Like Me: Life After Death. It was nice to see George and Reggie get some closure. And… uh… that's it. If they'd cut out everybody else and just made that part into three or four five-minute webisodes, that might have worked.

Inevitably, Frank Stallone.

This sounds like the time the winning team on University Challenge was ruled ineligible - after playing their way through a 37-episode series - because one member's course ended before the final (a fact which he had explained to the producers before the series even started, but they only decided to bring up after his

It's actually a documentary about fruit cultivation around the headwaters of the Euphrates.

I'm watching Gilmore Girls right now (it's part of my current morning routine). It's the one where Rory comes out and Emily and Richard have a massive fight, and I'm sure Rory's cotillion is supposed to be the A-plot, but the stakes are just so much lower it's barely registering.

Juno Temple was one of those parts of The Dark Knight Rises that makes me wonder how much got left on the cutting room floor. Because there are the bones of a Selina subplot there.

Wouldn't that have opened the door to bringing up his own role in the Zodiac thing?

Autoplay videos are the reason I first installed adblock. No regrets.

Wait, seriously, an actual adult actually said that and wasn't taking the piss?

Stripping on webcams.

Every claim made in your first paragraph is 100 per cent true and accurate.

I think the first thing I saw her in was Six Feet Under, in which she played a grieving pornstar. And everyone's reaction was: "Hey, it's Sandra Oh! She's great!" and I had no idea what they were talking about.

Donald Trump: The Candidate of Adam Sandler Fans.

I've enjoyed some of the comics. Especially the bit when Faith and Angel accidentally resurrected Giles as a 13-year-old.

But they left in the scene where Faith-in-Buffy takes a bath and feels herself up. Because it was essential to the exploration of her character.

I believe it was Miss Faith Lehane who explained to Angel: "Safety words are for wusses."

And remember how The Dark Knight Rises was anti-Romney propaganda because the bad guy was named Bane?

There is more to life than survival. Jay Cavendish taught me that. I owe him my life. Ho for the West.

Maybe if the crown is made of shrimp…