
"I can't lie to you about your chances, but… you have my sympathies."

Does Bender Bending Rodriguez count?

How To Build… Everything: Okay, you're gonna need to start with some basic firmament. Now, some people think you want an Earth that is without form, and void, and I know a dude who swears by using a yawning void set between the ice of Niflheim and the fire of Muspellheim, but personally I recommend getting a nice

It's not a competition. But LaToya is definitely winning.

Bitter envy.

I'm pretty certain all dads love James Bond. It's an ancient charter, or something.

I mentioned it a couple of weeks ago, but it bears repeating: Based on that film, gentlemen are wrong.

Don't worry, in about two years they'll reboot it starring Taylor Lautner and Sam Worthington. Or possibly Jai Courtney.

Weirdly, even though my dad and I are fairly close, we always bonded over culture rather than pop culture - history, architecture, great works of engineering.

Proof that IMDb gets it wrong a lot of the time: Prince William actually had one of his doubles fill in for him at the wedding. He was busy attending the family's monthly sacrifice to Shub-Niggurath, the Black Goat of the Woods with a Thousand Young.

Jane Russell was built in a lab by 14-year-old geniuses.

Keith David's a bishop, but according to recent trailers Jude Law is now Pope. Sexy Pope. Your move, America.

I'm guessing she read Morello and Flaca's columns on prison make-up.

Yes to the first, but alas no to the second.

It's not high art, but it's fun, and extremely pretty to look at.

The problem with the Brexit debate is this: There are valid economic arguments for wanting to leave Europe (which I happen to disagree with, but that's not really relevant). Unfortunately, these reasons are being largely ignored because the debate has become almost entirely about immigration, and therefore about

Wait, Beyonce and Jay Z are Illuminati? I thought they were working for the Elders of Zion.

Meanwhile, over in Blighty, the BBC is attempting to murder The Musketeers. Normally it's shown on Saturday nights; they postponed the second episode a full week because of the death of Muhammad Ali, which is understandable, and now the third episode is going out tonight (Monday) at 9pm, against the UK airing of Game

#11 Dreama Walker was hilarious as June in Don't Trust the B in Apt. 23.

And then stick a nice, big, brown cigar in your mouth and suck on it while smiling.