
I can forgive Hot Shots!: Part Deux a lot just for Martin Sheen's brilliant cameo.

There are no actual laws against it, although if you make them watch those shitty news updates they like to put in the middle of films it is legal grounds for social services to move in.

Cougar Town has apologised repeatedly for being called Cougar Town. Like, at least once an episode from about season two onward.

Sticking with the classics, probably Airplane.

Do they say which popular shows in Britain? Because I'm not sure American children will be ready for the grinding misery of EastEnders, to say nothing of the absolute shiteness of 90 per cent of our sitcoms.

I am genuinely intrigued as to how you do a XXX version of Rocky. I mean, presumably for his training, instead of pounding meat in a warehouse… nope, too cheap even for me.

Angent Angry McStubble: First place in the birthday rankings, first place in the Blindspot credits, last place in our hearts.

Wait, so is Wrecked some kind of comedy? Or is it a serious drama that just happens to steal a lot of shit from Lost (which obviously didn't invent the "shipwrecked survivors must struggle to live together", but is the most recent example and therefore the one we are obliged to compare it to).

You said "whores" twice.

And I'm pretty certain they let Gladiator get that one point out of sheer pity.

I understand they taste like an effective method for preventing the children of poor people from being a burthen to their parents or country, and for making them beneficial to the publick.

I guess they just hate SyFy.

It's all those Fake Slut Girls. They watch a couple of movies and then they're all "yeah, I'm such a slut, totally", and then when you, in your self-appointed role as the gatekeeper of all things slutty, angrily demand they prove their slut credentials by… actually, this isn't going to work without getting really

Ashley must be so upset. Not only is Mary-Kate beating her, but she's somehow two slots above her. In what world is that fair?

Natalie Portman was the love interest. Kat Dennings was the comedy sidekick.

So… Captain America vs Nightcrawler vs Quicksilver (and not the super-overpowered X-Men movies version). Winner gets to be tasered by Kat Dennings, which I guess somebody's bound to be into, and then go drinking with Stellan Skarsgard.

Oh, right, well he's certainly done a good job of that. So well done him, I guess.

I think we should remind WOT that we're here for it and we'll support it no matter what. Unless it switches to Spot.IM. Then it can go burn.

You see, people? This is what happens when you reject the divinely mandated rule of a bunch of inbred maniacs and stop drinking tea - mysterious bugs start eating the brains of all your politicians.

Hey, I know that lady. She saved James Bond's life once.