
Oh yeah, Sleepy Hollow was inexplicably renewed. Lyndie Greenwood is indeed gorgeous, but that's not enough to bring me back.

Andre Braugher as Nick Fury.
Terry Crews as Thor.
Stephanie Beatriz as the Black Widow.
Andy Samberg as Captain America.
Melissa Fumero as Iron Man.
Joe Lo Truglio as Hawkeye.
Chelsea Peretti as Loki.

Dazzler is awesome. She's a superhero with the mutant power of keeping disco alive well into the 2010s, and also lasers.

Especially as it'll come out immediately after a surprise hit from Indonesia which has a superficially similar plot and mind-blowing action sequences.

Well, that explains… not everything, but a lot. Like, sixty to sixty-five per cent of it all.

With great power comes the right to do whatever you want. You don't owe those darned moochers anything.

Because then people might not have realised Batman and Superman were in it.

I thought the real apathy-generator was the Hobbit trilogy.

Plus, the people in the row behind will probably be creeped out if they think you're staring at them for the entire 214-minute runtime.

But it's based on a comic. That means it's for kids. Right?

Yeah, I mean, remember all those Captain America movies that flopped internationally?

Justice League 2: Thanagarian Boogaloo

Damn it, I had my money on Justice: Harvester of Sorrows.

Agent Stubbleface O'Growly isn't the protagonist. He's just the guy whose name is inexplicably listed first in the credits.

Any of Takeshi Kitano's crime movies. I'd recommend Sonatine, which combines absurd humour with horrifying violence.

He's definitely got the voice for it. And the physical presence.

It's amusingly terrible. I can put it on while I play games or cook supper, and laugh at the stupidity of the characters and say "I hope you get bisected by farm equipment", and there's a good chance they will.

He may or may not be the Thing. He fought Rowdy Roddy Piper, and took it to the judges. He invented a virtual reality system that blew the Dean's mind. He played the coolest gunfighter in town in The Quick and the Dead.

Goldeneye is great. The tank chase alone would make all of that movie's flaws forgiveable.

For those of you who were wondering, a Scottish loveknot is basically similar to an English loveknot, but far angrier, and deep-fat fried.