Vali Lucifer

You're entitled to your opinion

That's all we ever see now! I'm so tired of TTG.

It didn't use to be like that tho. Hell Adventure Time comes back next week and I haven't seen one commercial for it. Wouldn't even know if it wasn't for twitter.

Season 8 was by far the worst season but man that finale made up for it. This one will stick with me for a long time. I hated to see Pops go but I'm glad they didn't go with the cliche restart ending. Regular Show (and Adventure Time) has carried CN in this new era and it derserves its place among the all time greats.

No you can plant seeds for future plots and still make each episode meaningful. You can't expect ppl to tune in every week to watch your show just to see seeds for future plots. That's how you lose viewers. Planting the seeds for future plots is suppose to be secondary and for the most part it should go unnoticed. But

Yea they kinda screwed that up. They're probably waiting for the next premiere. It'll probably open with Rick giving one of his motivational speeches.

This has been the most filler season so far. If we condensed all the stuff that actually mattered this season we would probably have like 3 or 4 episodes.

It hurts to say this as a fan but I'm glad more people are starting to call this show out on their shit. This season has been nothing but filler and extended episodes they hold no value. They really have to change their story structure next season. We get a good premiere and a good finale and that's it. Can't expect

I agree. They forget we have a finale coming and that's when everything comes full circle. The memeber berries have sorta been. Ackground plot the entire time anyway. They're supposed to be after thoughts because that's how they're being treated in the show. Remember last week they were warned about the berries and

I guess it surprised me because the focus has mainly been on Garrison and the Berries. So I've been expecting the fall out what would happen after everyone's info got leaked. They did do it last season with PC Principal as well.


Right! Coolest bonding moment ever. Lol

I'm sorry but I loved this episode!

To be fair I think we're just beginning with the Kingsom of Dorne. With their new allegiances it's going to be hard not to include them a lot this upcoming season.

Ahh man tonight's episode was great!

I'll admit I didn't give SU a chance at first. But after a second glance I saw it really was telling a story and I see why it's so popular now. BUT, SU is nowhere near Adventure Time. Adventure Time is just so deep that sometimes it can't even be put into words.

This show never fails to amaze me. I always say when it comes to overall creativity anime comes out above anything made in the US, but Adventure Time really pushes the limit. Those guys know how to think outside the box. And I love the story structure. Nothing is random. There's a story for everything.

Makes sense. I didn't wanna believe that but it seemed strange to me. And if that were the case I think the show would be coming to an end. You can't have the main character try to kill the bulk of the cast and then go back to normal.

1. The Bonnie kiss seemed out of place. I literally didn't see anything building between those 2. Wasn't she in love with Sam? No wait, Asher. No wait, Frank. Sorry, I just don't see it.

Well technically I don't read the comic. I read those in depth summaries on the wikia site. I never knew the other line existed. Reading black & white comics hurt my eyes.