Vali Lucifer

Wait what was the previous lie? I can't recall why Lara insisted he cut ties with Wendy….the good thing about this ending is that the next season will probably focus on them a lot more. For 2 seasons we saw Bobby winnning the war. Season 3 he'll probably be on the defense a lot. We'll probably see a very mortal Bobby

You make a good point. Thinking about it now I don't see how any wife would be cool with their husband being that involved with another woman, no matter what the situation was. Even tho it's not sexual (yet) Wendy & Axe still share an intimate relationship. That would make anyone uncomfortable. But knowing that, what

She seems fraud to me because she is exactly that: a trophy wife. When you think billionaire's wife you think hot chick who keeps herself busy by stating new ventures in a whim just because she can. That thing she was doing with the nurses was stupid and was never going to gain traction. Axe told her that but she

Makes sense

I am now. The dialogue was making it seem like he abandoned him and that's what was throwing me off.

How'd you come up with that?

I guess that just reaffirms the change Chuck Jr has went through. Before he would never stoop down to other people's level. Yea his dad was kinda pushy but if it wasn't for him he wouldn't have even been able to put his plan into motion. Say what you will but I do believe he always had good intentions for his son. He

That should make for an interesting plot point next season. I thought that guy was extremely loyal to Axe.

Yea I think that was him. Didn't make sense he was MIA since he's always there when Axe calls.

Ok i just have a few statements. Anybody, feel free to chime in…..

I guess you didn't catch the "I'll lock you down" voicemail. That says it all lol

Since season 2? Nah. Season 3 was good. Season 4 & 5 started off solid. It's been getting lazy since then tho.

This was a predictable finale but it wasn't that bad. I liked it. The Sasha thing seemed ehhh (I don't understand her motivation. And did she just forgot about Bob?) but I liked it.

Just some of my takeaways from the episode.

Episodes like tonight's are why ratings are going down. Couple that with then dialing back the gore going forward and TWD doesn't have a bright future. Might be time to cut ties with Gimple. The show isn't all about zombies and action, true, but when they drag the story the way they did tonight you're not going to

Either I haven't been watching much tv or Fox did a bad job at promoting the return of LMOE cause I had no idea it was back. But I'm all caught up. I had all but forgotten about the drone…

You won't find anyone more Team Rick than me but yea he dropped the ball when it came to eugene. Everyone did really. Eugene is well past the point of being cable of toughening up. Dude has been a coward his whole life and that's not going to change. All that time wasted standing guard coulda been spent better. If I'm

I didn't watch talking dead. But cool, thanks.

Can someone tell me why Dwight threw the doc under the bus? I think i may have missed a part.

I'll say it. The show is getting good again. The "A" part of this season was brutal with all those filler episodes. A episode can be mellow but meaningful and this episode is an example of that. I'm liking the build up.