Vali Lucifer

I just find it funny. I guess it's different since we're on the outside looking in. As a viewer I can't take his tough act seriously.

I was 100% sure this episode would end with Rick telling Michoone he's just playing along for now. That's why I thought the extra half hour was for. I love Negan but he's done the same thing every 3 episodes he's on. Ok we know who he is, move the story. This whole episode coulda been done in a half hour.

Side Note: how can dwight continue to act hard when he's dedicated his life to trying to be Daryl and Negan is f.cking his wife? I laugh every time he tries to act boss.

I consider my self a HUGE TWD fan and I'll defend it every time no matter what. But when I was watching tonight I stepped outside of the fandom and I see why ppl are complaining now. While I still think JDM is killing it as Negan, I'm losing hope in the story. Ok we get it, Negan is a bully (you made that clear last

Lmao I like your description of him.

Hmmm intertesting perspective. Not to be a fanboy or anything but when I read issue 100 I pictured Negan the exact way JDM is playing him. Maybe I should read it again and keep what you said in mind.

I don't see how anyone could dislike JDM's Negan. I hate to be that guy but if you've read the comic you'll see he's killing it. He's saying what Negan says

Right. I'm just over it. It's not like she's the only one having to kill. Hell they got kids walking around with guns. This is the world now. And unless she's running off to kill herself then she needs to accept it.

Lmao fellas isn't a universal rule that once you've been locked in a headlock you forfeit your right to act hard afterwards? Cause let's be honest once a person has you in a headlock they more or less have your life in their hands.

And he did that! lol TBH I figured Daryl would do something. It's in his character. He's probably the only one who could get away with that.

Yep. I hate to say it but that was Daryl's fault.

That's exactly what he says in the comics. He's hilarious. That's what sets him apart from other antagonist. He has a unique sense of humor.

I'm not understanding why ppl don't like it lol. To me the show has always been character driven so I always have something to look forward to. That's kinda why they can get away with 8 episode seasons (16 total). Even tho they face sorta the same threats over and over they aren't the same ppl from before so it's how

For the record: From here on out Carl is a permanently a top 3 bad ass. Lil dude was really about to lose his arm like a G!

I am a huge fan of the show but I have to agree. The show doesn't really have a plot anymore. For me I've been invested into the characters more than actually story for some time now. If you can't learn to do that then you should probably stop watching. From here on out the storyline is more or less the same as

Right. Willa kicks ass. She's outshined Stephen on several occasions.

So they only get shot when the plot requires it? Noted lol

Question: Does anybody ever get shot on this show? Since season 1 we've seen countless machine guns be fired and yet nobody ever gets shot. I could be nitpicking but come on. This occurs pretty much every episode.

Exactly! Like they stuff between Wells & his daughter. He made this big deal about not wanting her to be a hero and it all gets resolved in no time. It just made the entire thing pointless. 70% of every episode is comprised of stuff like that. CW isn't making a comic show. They're making a cliche teen drama and the

I'm not against Iris being on the show. I'm against them trying to make her bigger than she actually is. Unlike how Lois Lane is occasionally majorly involved Superman's hero storylines, Iris isn't that involved in Barry's. Most of the time when she's involved it's for minor romance storylines. And call me crazy but I