Vali Lucifer

I'm starting to give up on this show. And I hate that because Flash is one of my all time favorite characters. But these writers keep proving they have no idea what they're doing.

And people were still applauding him. That's the main part. If there was a undecided idiot out there watching he's definitely voting for Trump now. Especially after seeing how they portrayed Hilary. Cause he/she doesn't get the joke.

The same people who don't understand satire are probably the same people voting for Trump. The idiot vote is all you need to win a election. At this point I think the joke was more so on the people than it was on Garrison-Trump.

I think South Park is going to unintentionally sway this election and get Trump elected. I don't think everyone gets satire.

And I wann add something. I never liked them calling Phil "Tandy" when black Phil was around and I especially don't like that they're still calling him that after black Phil died.

Sorry but I have to disagree. The funniest scene was Pat mimicking Phil's "boom" joke. I'm still laughing about it. He delivered it so naturally.

I explored that angle too. As it stands now tho it just seems like a plot device in order for her to meet the 5.

That's why I always thought it was weird. She's not just any lawyer she's very high volume. Not to mention all the other drama she has going on.

There's something I always wondered about since season 1. Why exactly does AK teach at that school? She's clearly a top tier lawyer and at first I thought this was some sort of charity thing but after tonight we see she cares about the job. I wonder if they'll make something out of that.

So we're in all in agreement that this story arc ends with Kyle or Stan casually just turning off their devices? I mean, internet bullying is messed up but there are so many options to combat it. This might have been one of the best episodes of all time. The level of production they're adding now is just genius. That

Agreed. Thought it was just me. They stuffed way too much into this episode. Seems like we'll have 3 storylines going forward. That would be good if this were a few years ago but now they only do 10-12 episodes a season as oppose to 20. I hate to say it but it seemed like Cartman's arc coulda been cut. At least until

Yea your reading too much into it. The focus was put on Kap because he started all this. If we know anything it's that Matt & Trey aren't hypocrites so there's no way they can be mad about what Kap is doing.

Teller is just like 90% of the other actors in comic movies. Of course they wanna do more because they wanna get paid and hopefully reach the status of RDJ (I think we can all agree he's the dream right? He's good, he puts asses in the theaters, and he makes a lot more than everybody else). But I personally like my

Actually Root's character development pretty much ran similar to his comic counterpart. Root was never anything more than a temporary road block. It was his son who then sets out to find Jesse. But obviously that story went a little different with Eugene being in hell. And Emily didn't even exist in the comic. What

I wouldn't say it was pointless. They played their part and their part was to highlight the Trio. The only one I can say was truly pointless was Odin. There were some interesting plot points between him and Jesse that weren't shown.

Here's a thought, what if the freak explosion at the end was God's doing. Like that was his way of getting rid of the ppl who knew he was missing? Or maybe it was the Angels? I have a feeling we haven't seen all of their power.

"As if the only people who actually matter are our three heroes"

if so that's very weird

Wait, what happened to the mountain man that joined the Abbies a couple episodes back? Was that his baby?

Touché. But all I was saying is that it didn't surprise me she had a dark side like everyone else in that town.