Vali Lucifer

The best part about Preacher is how it's supernatural and down to earth at the same time. We got killer Angels, shuttle buses to hell, vampires, and none of it seems out of place. I think that's mostly because it's not so over the top. In any other fictional world where things like this happen it's usually on a global

I'm still on Team Yeldin. I can't feel bad about him manipulating Kerry because I've never liked. Although for once, Jason's plan was better than his. If you're going to rebuild you gotta take whoever is essential. Doing it by lottery could have you ending up with a bunch of ppl who can't contribute to rebuilding at

He doesn't have the presence Ethan had but I think he's done a pretty solid job. He's having to share a lot of screen time so it can be easy to get lost in the shuffle.

I think he's a very underrated actor. He seems to be right at home in roles like this.

I overlooked that fact. You're right. It was a simple explanation but it said so much. "Not that far" & "crowded"

I like the writer's take on how Hell is. I found that very interesting. That and Odin's take on what serving God means. He's easily the breakout the character of this story so far.

Yep, that's a pretty accurate description of him. He's more of a tyrant than Pope was.

Number 2 makes the most sense to me. That's probably why they picked a mountain area. Within 2000 years I'm sure sea levels would have risen even if temporarily. Placing your town in the mountains would be the best form of defense from that.

Yea so I'm references to next week's episode I saw this coming. Theo has had enough and quite frankly I can't believe nobody else has. Like you said, Jason is a idiot, his "wife" is a even bigger idiot who likes to flaunt her position and back up whatever he says (Credit: She has started to oppose him a little bit). I

Yea I'm glad she's gone. That was a little too weird for me. That shoulda stayed implied instead. Like you said, it seemed like she had a real fetish for it. A fetish that went beyond Pilcher's plan.

I must have missed that part. I coulda swore he said all Odin had to do was show up

I might have to go back and watch the episode again but I'm pretty sure Jesse did say all Odin had to do was come to church and he would give him the church. If like the article said Jesse thinks serving God would turn him away from that I have to ponder about what exactly Jesse think serving God means……And he didn't

Yea I understand it within the story. I was talking from the writer's point of view. But I'm starting to grasp more out of my original comment. I forgot he said Pilcher had a plan in case anything like last season happen.

Again, perfect scenarios. Pilcher had no plans to counter errors. From a viewer's perspective I see how Ethan was beneficial. He was on board with reality and not some flawed dream in Pilcher's head. But yea if I'm Pilcher I just don't see why he would wake Ethan up. Cause remember they already had Polk. I think some

That makes sense. Or maybe it was a writing error. But I do like your theory. I'm pretty sure Pilcher wasn't planning to die at the hands of his sister and we all know how he is about plans. Yea it makes more sense now. I think Jason was intended to take over once Pilcher's natural life had ran its course. The town

I have to think that placing Jason in charge was a nod to this era of 20 year old CEOs and at the same time it's to show just stupid kids can be these days. That's what it comes down to. Jason is a stupid kid with power. I don't know if I haven't been watching closely enough but I don't understand why he hasn't been

I can't disagree with you. It's very hard to watch "nothing" happen basically every week. There is so much more than what they're showing. AMC loves to milk stories for some reason. They prefer longevity over quality. Just ask The Walking Dead. I think they're wasting a lot of time because they have too many stories

I'm speaking relatively. For this show, yea that was picking up the pace. lol Their starting to answer some questions. Vampires, Angels, The Voice, The slaughter by Odin, a peek into Jesse's past. From my perspective it's still super slow tho. I'm just trying to remain optimistic because I know what this show is

Finally the show is picking up a little bit. It still comes off random as hell but it's getting better. I've been telling everybody they have to watch this show and I've been getting a lot of crap for it because they don't get the plot. It's been moving super slow and if I wasn't already a fan of the comic I would

TBH I stopped watched Legends. I'll probably finish it over the summer. I just couldn't take the storyline anymore but you're probably right. They'll be used for that timeline more than the Flash's.