
Wouldn't have been to hard if he was caught and sent to a South American prison after escaping with his family. Picture Mel Gibson's fate in Get the Gringo…

WOW! That tour is actually a thing in 2015??? Amazing…

3 rings to 1 maybe? More manageable hair and an epic 80s mustache perhaps??? Couldn't be defense as they both kinda sucked…

Fox isn't my friend but they're commercials recommend I watch The Fantastic Four AKA Chronicle 2 AKA Trank4. I'm definitely looking to spite them so Marvel gets the rights back :-) #BoycottTrank4

Wayyyyy better than the current getup. They had fairly logical explanation for it as well. It was some space age tech that molded to the wearers frame. Basically the Under Armor of Super Hero costumes.

AoS does not exist in this dojo. Coulson is dead and SHIELD never employed a group of CW Dawson's Creek looking MF'ers to play Mystery Machine detectives.

To be objective it was his decision to give a label the rights to his music. His issue is with his label not Spotify/Apple/etc

Charlie lost focus a few times and let his eyes track an object or person. That's different from looking in their general direction. I'm sure he'll improve as the season goes on.

His eyes still wouldn't track moving objects because they provide him with no data. Cox is great, but he has to work on keeping his eyes centered instead of tracking movement. Really just giving him a hard time though, his performance is excellent.

It's not him "facing" the people that's the problem. If you look closely his eyes are tracking things from time to time. I can only imagine how hard it is NOT to do that. Love Charlie Cox as Murdock though, still had to find something to nitpick. I'm sure he'll get better as the show goes on.

One thing Ben Affleck has over Charlie Cox, he plays the better blind man. Charlie looks directly at his fellow actors to often. Hope he improves…

Statham really needs to go the JCVD route and play himself in a flick. Dude can act, so why not get "Meta" with it?

Ghostface and Gza > Raekwon.
Just saying… And the truth about all religions is that they're all bullshit some guys made up LOL!

The concept art showed acid burned Hicks up and about. Outside of making Alien 3 and Resurrection "dreams" (or more accurately nightmares) I think that makes disregarding them necessary in the world of his Alien film. They're best disregarded anyway…

Can we please, finally, leave Ripley behind? Dark Horse told many great Alien tales WITHOUT Ripley. Can FOX get a
fucking clue and just make an Anthology series out of Alien? Different
settings and characters each movie. Given time we could even get the
great AvP movie Paul W Suck Anderson kept from us.

The finale was superb IMHO. I say that because it unfolded EXACTLY as I
thought it would, right down to Jax suicide on Michael Chiklis' truck,
yet I still found it moving. The show offered the only answer it could,
that peaceful family and SAMCRO are ultimately incompatible. Jax love
and want for both was his

You could look at it like this…
Jax finally understood there is no compatibility between a peaceful family life and the club. Any exposure of the life to his sons dooms them. The writings would have meant nothing as if the boys are introduced to SAMCRO nothing can save them. The writings of him and his faher

"Still can't get over the fact that Sutter fucks up the relationship between Marks and Jax"

The pacing of this episode seemed off. After watching a biot of last weeks on the DVR I think they made a big mistake not making it a 2.5 hour finale. The drama plays much better if you watch 12 and 13 back to back.

I don't think it's as much her ruling him (though she definitely was manipulating to the end) as it was "the life". "It's who we are" was the truest thing she said.