
Yes, but if you remember he had the conversation with Jax first to make sure he had his support AND that Jax could bring enough members around to voting for it. Ironically he pressures Opie into voting for it as well. If Jax says no 90% of the carnage since Season 4 likely doesn't happen.

Actually Nero would be going downstate. Norco is in the Inland Empire of SoCal, near Riverside.

Just rethought something… As much hate as there is for Gemma, the entire downfall of Jax and SAMCRO began when he and Clay agreed to do biz with the Cartel in Season 4. If that conversation he had with Clay goes differently a boatload of people are likely alive today. Worse than the carnage Gemma unleashed this

That would have kind of been a cop out on Jax part. Season 4, which is the turning point of the narrative, had Jax ready to walk away. Pride kept him from, living a life off of his wife's income. He and Clay made the cartel decision together. That was the fork in the road. Even Clay would still be alive if

Unser got it quick. Clay got it with a single shot. All the "friendly" killings (SAMCRO on SAMCRO) have been quick. She suffered a consequence. While it didn't meet the bloodlust of some it was consistent with the show's logic.

But you're using that word "should" again. I don't think fiction where everything is tied up neatly and reciprocal justice is dealt is all that compelling. If you're presenting that as your opinion as to what she deserved, I get that. But what you saw as written was good drama. Definitely can't fault the writers

He was an associate if I remember. But either way I'm sure the Triads are split up just like most gangs. Wiping out one "click" or crew isn't analogous to destroying the organization.

It's definitely Sutter's point. The whole point of the series is "the life" defines who these people are. That's why they can't walk always when any rational person would flee the carnage at all costs ( see Tara's failed attempt). It's a nihilistic take on the Human Condition that is very valid when you look at any

I'm just saying, life isn't fair. One of the reasons were in a golden age of television is complex stories without clear morality. If everyone got exactly what they deserved it would be pretty boring. That said, I still think the emotional trauma of staring down her fate, knowing what she did was a pretty tough way

If I am wrong I will do a "Wendy Season 1" Meth injection for your amusement ;-)

And he will hit Chiklis' semi ;-)

The Hell's Angels have an unofficial stance on blacks that Sonny Bather (founder of Hell's Angels and portrays Lenny the Pimp) said could change some day. Sutter is alluding to that.

Makes Gemma's journey far more interesting than Jax's so I don't think they could pull it off as the show is about HIS journey.

Dude they didn't wipe out the Triads, they wiped out the remnants of Lin's allies. That's like wiping out a side gang that serves a larger Crips set or something. Not in the same ballpark.

Reflecting on a broken life that destroyed her son and then being shot by him is easy??? Some of you guys have a weird perspective on the Human Condition…

I read a lot about "deserves" in your post. Who says people always get what they "deserve"? Where's the good drama in that? Sometimes, No Country for Old Men comes to mind, there is no grand showdown. Sometimes the villain gets away. The reason we are in a golden era of television programming is that shows are

I think you might be spot on with Chiklis truck driver being the agent of Jaxon demise. The Grim Reaper homeless lady even crossed his path. Seemed to small a role for Chiklis anyway… Good job calling it!

Glad I'm not the only one who noticed. Maybe the Dodge commercial was forced on Sutter so he a HD no choice nor the time to write it in properly.

She's the Grim Reaper personified as the lady that John Teller killed in his accident.

LOL! Great summary of Unser's stupidity. And a good rip on Sitter for writing him that stupid. Though we do have to remembers he's doing Shakespeare and the Negative-Serendipity is kind of par for the course.