
Chuck D, B-Real, Morrello and company gotta eat…

Ahh yes, the other side has to be "monsters"… If only such stupidity were painful. And if you didn't get the inside humor of the "Taco Bowl Pic" as all reasonable people did, you are further away from rationality than you realize.

How is it that outlets all over can call Trump a racist and as bigot when he's made ZERO racist or bigoted remarks? And PLEASE feel free to Google. I'll shoot your first one down right now. Calling out Mexico for letting their criminal element cross the border isn't racist. First "Mexican" is a nationality, not a

So Hollywood creates a cheap exploitation movie playing to the delusional fears of a Trump Presidency that also promotes the false victim-hood culture while demonizing White Americans. Last I checked 99% of political violence this election year has been perpetrated by BLM and other leftist groups upon peaceful Trump

That's because Amazon owned the first 3 seasons. Otherwise Netflix would have taken it. Amazon made an offer, but they wanted to start production right away and Fuller was unavailable. If they had went streaming from the get go it they'd still be on. I also think Fuller might have turned down Amazon because he

BS. The fact is Hannibal should NEVER have been a broadcast TV show. If the producers had the foresight they would have went with Netflix or Amazon from the beginning. Especially considering Netflix was VERY hungry for original content in 2011/12. I'm happily amazed it made it through 3 seasons on NBC. Hopefully

Just make Hellboy 3 dammit!

The fact that Fuller turned down Amazon has had me puzzled. I'm wondering if he isn't ultimately trying to get something done with the SotL rights holders so that a season 4 or movie could include Clarice. The idea that he told Amazon no because they wanted him to start season 4 right away seemed a little fishy to

Guilty pleasure movie. Love the Q style weapons nerd. Glad Vin is returning to the role. Wouldn't mind seeing Asia Argento back as well.

But with introducing the villans (beyond young Penguin and the mob guys) it seems they're trying to have their cake and eat it to. I'm sure FOX is pushing for more of Batman's rouges gallery, but the creators had to have seen that coming. I think Gotham PD with Batman in the background would have gotten them to

I don't want to "engage on any level" with what it is. The concept has no interest to me. I was merely pointing out that my alternative would by it's very nature have a much larger draw because it wold take place in a world where Batman already exists. The fact that they are shoehorning so many villains into this

Never could get my head around why Gotham didn't have the shows format take place in Batman era Gotham with pretty much the same cast. You see Batman 5 mins or not at all and the whole show is based around Gordon and the Gotham PD's efforts to stop crime while Batman is in action off screen. Seemed like such a

Michael B Jordan for Cujo!

Anthony Hopkins went full whore after Silence of the Lambs. Not that I blame him, but some of the roles he took throughout the 90's and into the 2000's had such a "fuck it" vibe…

Okay, Assassins is awesome. Antonio Banderas makes some faces with his mouth and lips that are simply hilarious! Looks like he's getting the BJ of his life right before getting Sims his weapon more than once.

So did you just riff on Demolition Man, or did the movie riff on history?

You're on fire man!

You win the thread brother! Amazing LOLs :-)

The fact that Lucas put that line to paper and kept it in his film should have disqualified him from all future cinematic endeavors. They say Portman is unsatisfied with her Jane Foster role, but it is nowhere near as bad as as her Prequel Trilogy stuff. I would have told Lucas "I just can't read this line". I

Liked Avengers AoU. He's a feeling I'll love the extended cut. Choppy is my best description. I think the extended cut will help the flow.