
The least believable part of the movie is that someone, in NYC no less, would order Domino's Pizza.

Perhaps a medical procedural about treating retired wrestlers would find an audience here. Fans can reconnect with their old favorites, while former stars and journeymen alike could get a paycheck and some damned health insurance.

Taste the fame.

Presumably he means pewter sculptures of dragons. Or posters, pictures, Trapper Keepers, VHS copies of Flight of Dragons he finds in pawn shops, or any of a thousand things that aren't literally giant fire-breathing lizards.

I also saw the film, should Freemt go on vacation or something. I'm a big fan of the source material, sadly.

By Gad, sir, you are a character. There's never any telling what you'll say or do next, except that it's bound to be something astonishing.

That was my take on Jon Hamm playing Robert Evans. It's not as funny in print, I admit.

Just don't let things escalate to a Brogrom.

Was he worried? No chance. Was he expecting an Oscar nod for Best Supporting Actor? You bet your ass.

I've been told that in one of the novels, Jack Reacher is shot in the chest by a small caliber bullet. However, he is so buff, that the bullet is stopped in his pectoral muscle , before it can reach his heart.

Warburton's character is not Mr. James' attorney. He's an executive at Jimmy James Inc.

As every schoolboy knows, provided his education was not free.

Earl Grey, old bean.

Perhaps you prefer, "kill four!"

Ms. Lewis should never have been cast as a femme fatale. I simply cannot believe that a man would obsess over, kill for, or even conspire with, that woman.

I don't know if this joke works in print, but it's the one I was told most recently.

The old ways are the best. In a comedy characters get what they want, in a drama characters get what they deserve.

Stay tuned for more Tales of Interest!

Secrets of the guild, and all that.

Sounds like just the setpiece I need for my gritty reboot of The Great Mouse Detective.