
The Invisible Hand. Behold its true form, and despair.

“People expect to see, or prefer to see, lateral movement (real or implied) in a left to right direction, rather than a right to left direction"

The volcano hideout was never going to be cheap, but it's much less expensive in Mexico. Plenty of volcanoes from which to choose, and labor costs are, ah, depressed.

Good God, that man has a name?

Dignified, silent disapproval will do a lot more for the President's image and for his agenda. One cannot negotiate with a toddler having a tantrum, don't wrestle with a pig, the only way to win at three-card monte is to get someone to play, etc.

Doing nothing makes Obama look statesmanlike, next to these petulant Republican Senators, and it would be a waste of time and political capital to pursue punitive action, but I can't be the only person who would like to bitch slap some smug fuckers with the Logan Act. Physically, metaphorically, whatever.

It doesn't help, but those characters were faithfully translated from the novel.

Die Another Day is definitely, definitively the worst Bond movie. Diamonds are Forever is better than at least, Die Another Day, A View to a Kill, Moonraker, Octopussy, and The Man With the Golden Gun.

Robot butlers are a whimsical concept. Why even employ a servant that can't be robbed of its dignity?

Kyle Rayner, my dear sentient.

The Boomers that "outgrew" being hippies and doubled down on acquisitive capitalist sociopathy are the ones I'm worried about.

I'm sorry, the correct answer is Jeremy Brett. Jeremy. Brett.

It would be a cold open to rival Studio 60.

He wasn't as vocal about it as Rand Paul or Scott Walker, I must admit. I still find the contempt for a)government and b)representative democracy in the Republican field alarming. It's like atheists campaigning to be the Pope.

Nothing like asking to run a county when you openly loathe about 160 million of its citizens. Usually one has the decency to stage a military coup at that point.

Blasphemy. I can't ruin my mother's coffee table with an app.

Now with more borax.

I will!

The Spirograph Renaissance is nigh.

They also tend to equate "nice" with "weak", "stupid", or "naïve". Which is certainly a contributing factor to their skewed worldview.