
That would explain the "medicine" bottle her mom gave her in the first episode. Adderall? Yeah, right.

But Jughead in the comics is the smartest one in the room. Archie or Betty get burned by Reggie or Veronica? They go to Jughead to set things right. Jughead needs money? Trick Reggie out of it. Wants a burger? Tricks Veronica or Pop Tate into paying for it.
He's the master.

SJW? Sabrina Jughead Weatherbee? Hey, ship who you wanna ship, pal. We don't judge here.
Except that Sabrina's not in the show yet.

Two words: Betty Cooper. Red lipstick.

Someone To Watch Over Me

In Detroit we watched Sir Graves Ghastly in the afternoon, then The Ghoul ("Overday!") out of Cleveland in the evening.
My wife grew up in Cleveland, and, when we met in Seattle we were amazed to find we both loved the Ghoul as youngsters.
We were too young for Ghoulardi, who worked with Tim Conway and later went on the

I took my girlfriend to a showing in an old theatre about an hour away. It was great.

I'll mail him a whole box full of old paperbacks if he promises to review them all like he did that one time.

I watched it with my daughter last month. I'm showing her all the classics, and it was Predator's turn.
Maybe Dirty Harry this week, or Alien.

With the best used bookstore North of Powell's, just down the street from where they make Almond Roca candy.

Props for the "Cheers" reference.

And William Schallert as the unfortunate doctor in MANT!
He played the ambulance driver in the original "Them."

I was going to say (in between fits of laughter): "Does he wish anyone into the cornfield?"

Well, we celebrate St. Patrick's Day, and that was started by the Irish.

It's heartbreakingly beautiful.

Arms. Right where they bend at the elbow. I always make my arms too long.
And noses.

We saw him at the Puyallup Fair a few weeks ago. It was a great time.
But we were too far away to be on the video.

Amen. I grew up in Detroit in the 70s, and I think I was the only person who found Led Zeppelin boring and irritating.
But that's just me.

Goat urine has an expiration date?
I'll, uh, I'll be in the bathroom.

As a transplanted Michigander, I absolutely love Michelle Baumann's accent.