
Agreed. This looks like a lot of fun.

Naming a central character after yourself is an automatic red flag in my book. But two characters?

God, I saw it in the theater. I've never wanted so badly to fall asleep just to miss seeing any more of it.
I thought my wife liked it until we left. It became a bonding moment.
Because it was the worst movie either of us had ever seen.

Amusing, offtimes!

"The Lost World: Jurassic Park, Spielberg’s own (underrated) sequel…"
I don't think those words have ever been put in that order before.

Much as I love the Beatles, I really don't like those two songs.
Nothing against people who do love them-it's just a matter of taste.
But "The End" and "Birthday" are two of my favorite Beatles tunes.

I host the Movie Nights at our local library. "Some Like It Hot" is best experienced with a crowd of people on a big screen.
It's fun to see everyone get the subtle gags.

My mom took me to the Redford theatre in Detroit in the early 70s to see "Sunset Boulevard" on the big screen, introduced by none other than Gloria Swanson herself.
I had a very cool mom.

Wacky hijinks, of course.

No, no, I was responding to cappadocius' 3rd Point, about the dinosaurs hanging around in a swamp.
Sorry-I posted out of order.
And I'll do the same with King Kong (the original), even thought it's one of my favorite films of all time.

Watch it again. They're grazing on a fog shrouded plain.

Thank you for this. I have no idea what Minecraft is, but it's incredibly popular in my library. Now I can watch this and have an idea of what all those kids are going on about.

It seems like the writers spent most of their lives on Tumblr, rather than, say, out in the real world. Or inside watching actual movies.

Just finished "Women and Law in Roman Society," and now for something completely different, I'm trying to get into "Kane of Old Mars" by Michael Moorcock.
Not one of his better ones.

I was at Disney World when it started pouring down rain.
We rode the Jungle Cruise right after it stopped. It was very hot and humid, with the steam rising off everything. It was like something out of a 30's adventure serial.
Best time ever.

He's coming to my neighborhood FYE in Silverdale!
I'll be sure to be far, far away on that day.

You know, it's possible that companies who spend hundreds of millions of dollars making movies that make billions of dollars all over the world might actually do a shitload of research to find out what features of female lead characters would appeal the largest number of people.
But that wouldn't be the politically

Okay, let me clarify here. If you know me from WCUD (now CUD, I guess), you know that I'm a big supporter of other creators.
I'm not attacking the creator. I would never attack another creator. She's probably a wonderful comic artist and writer. That's not the point I was clumsily trying to make.
I just don't think that

Oh, then, I apologize. I don't keep up on such things.
I just assumed that, out of the thousands of comics created by women, she chose a poorly drawn, unfunny comic that might've been fresh 20 years ago (boy, those rap guys sure disrespect women, don't they?) because she hadn't read many others.
Perhaps she just wanted

"The buildup and punchline to this rapping turtle comic is perfect."
You don't read a lot of comics, I assume.
I'm in a group of webcomic creators, and I know a number of very talented women creators who are far better than some of these.
Pop on over to "Decrypting Rita" for a start: http://egypt.urnash.com/rit…