
We have the Bainbridge Island Japanese American Exclusion Memorial out here. It's not slavery, but it is a memorial to a really shameful time in our history.

But God was cool with it. His son said so!

They, uh… they both rode horses, they both had the same first name (General), and their wives' first names both started with an M.
Coincidence? Yeah, just keep telling yourself that.

Does Pierce Brosnan play the same IRA character he did in "The Long Good Friday?"
Either way, I'm not much for this kind of movie, but it looks good.

I call it the "Feculent Four Years."
Feculent: Foul with impurities or excrement.

Jackson also opened up the White House to visitors with his big block o' cheese parties. Can you imagine this administration allowing just anybody to come in?
To be fair, they probably have the same tolerance for black people showing up as Jackson would've.

I love "To Riverdale and Back Again," except for the cringe worthy "Sugar Sugar" scene. Otherwise they did a good job with the older characters.

"Hal honey? Have a slice of pie. It's peach. Your favorite. I even sprinkled crystalline sugar on top."
"Crystalline sugar?"
"Well, it's not-ha ha-ground glass. Now eat it and leave."

Remember when everything had to be "edgy?" Now it's all "playful."

The answer is in this Grecian urn.

Like we do in Washington State. I vote in every election and I haven't been to a polling station in years. I'm old, so I remember the old voting machines. I miss those.

I met a woman who was a Bernie Backer, who said she was voting for Trump. No way she was going to vote for Hillary, she said.
Makes me wonder how much support Bernie got because we loved his policies, and how much of it was because he wasn't Clinton.

FB telling Jug: "Just give me a month or two to clean up." Yeah, that's addict talk for "never gonna happen." Poor Jug.

The jacket came from the car. I think FP torched the car for money. Of course, we don't know who paid him. Yet.

Jughead's "S" shirt has been a stock joke in Archie comics going almost all the way back to the 40s. Heck, there may be jokes about it from then as well.

It was definitely a throwback to the 40s-50s Archie comics. But I think they were also playing with the general public's perception of Archie comics as a whole. And it was a contrast with Jughead's family situation.

Cheryl was priceless.
"Y-you slept with Jason too?"
"Too? What do you mean, too?"
"Toooo or three times! Yes, that's it. You slept with Jay-jay two or three times, ha ha!"

First I've heard of it, and I'm, well, dumfounded is too strong a word for it.
Paul Rudd has always struck me as a Bruce Willis kind of actor. Lots of charm, and two emotions: talk quietly for "serious," smirk for "comedy."
He does pretty much own the Perpetually Damaged Man Child role though.

I think Archie's storylines, boring as they are, are there to keep the show in the high school Archie reality. I mean, do we ever see these kids in class? They're always hanging out in this school that ever seems to close.