Low Mileage Pit Woofie

The credits said Special Guest Star Lady Gaga - did I blink and miss ehr?

I reread it. I *do* see what you're saying. I suppose my objection really lies with the hamfisted way Snyder presented it to the audience.

What works on the page is not guaranteed to work onscreen, a different medium. Dialogue, story, pacing, all of that will work differently.

Hopefully the Justice League movie will at least make a mention of the Martha Manhunter…

Actually, it only makes sense if you don't think about it too much…

"Look.. if we built this large wooden hippogriff…"

Was the watery tart Myrtle, and the sword the Sword of Gryffindor?

Thanks, that makes more sense. Still crappy, though.

So, why is the BBC dropping the show? Because of costs? It's a handful of people in a big tent baking! The CGI budget for that setup is probably only in the six figure range…

From the day he was born, he was trouble.

Glad to see a former child star who kept her head straight and managed not to end up dead, on drugs, robbing 7-11s, doing porn, or all of the above.

True enough, at least in this case. I'm probably just noting it in a positive manner after all the snarky articles and comments I've read over the years about other, similar individuals.

You're welcome.

Thank you for using the proper personal pronouns in your article.

And if you're only charging a dime for a fuck…

So, how explosive are we talking about? Popcorn kernel level or Predator energy weapon blast to the head level?

Oh Kevin, I think an actual home movie would have been more entertaining.

But Stone received the CD from someone. I thought that I saw a scene where Freddy had arranged with a guard for a copy of the CD that Stone eventually received, with Freddy giving Naz meaningful looks, so I thought either Naz had arranged it in collusion with him, or Freddy had done it without Naz's knowledge, being

Wait, so did Naz set up Chandra to be caught so there'd be a mistrial?

Augie Doggie: "You gotta help me, Mr Birdman. They've locked up my father, and they're gonna euthanize him!"
Harvey Birdman: "So? What's wrong with making him look younger?"