Low Mileage Pit Woofie

No. No. No. No. No. This makes Marley and Me look like Dodgeball.

To be fair, I'd totally watch a movie based on it being labelled a "future RiffTrax classic".

Close - it's the Colonel's frozen sperm.

So is the shmuck who gave the secret away gonna accidentally fall on some knives and catch fire while landing in a dynamite factory filled with sharks?

If I heard correctly, the heroes were blinded by The Terror's weaponised syphilis.
I bet Batmanuel would have the number of a good, discreet doctor to clear that up…

He flew, courtesy of bat wings under his arms. But at least he didn't speak, making him better than Scrappy Doo.

So, does asexuality mean a general lack of sexual desire, or is there sexual desire (as in having the urge to masturbate) just not for a particular gender?

Suicide Squad wasn't the worst movie in the world, though Batman: Assault on Arkham did a better job of presenting the team and its typical missions.
Speaking of the SS movie, the early scenes of the Enchantress were suitably Korean Water Ghost creepy, but when she changed outfits and was trying to take over the world,

This is such bullshit.
Jenna was way smarter.
I don't think Trump could pass the Turing Test.

Yeah, Van Dyke's accent was awful, but he didn't know any better, and there was a shipload of Brit actors there who never said a word to him about it. It takes a village, people…

Annville. Anvil. Hammer of God or some such specious pretension. Or am I reading too much into it?

As the French might say… Le Fuck!

I had the dubious pleasure of working as a doorman in a theatre in the early 90s (oh, those round-the-block lines for Jurassic Park were amazing), and when Ralph Bakshi's Cool World came out. It was only in for a week, and in the smallest screen, but we still managed to get a handful of parents complaining about

I've not seen any of the previous Bourne movies. Will I need to see them to hate this movie, or can it stand on its own craptitude?

Never changed because the name was bad, as far as I can see.
Certainly shows have changed titles during their lifetimes for other reasons:
Ellen started out as These Friends of Mine until Degeneres became so popular. Valerie changed its name for the third season when star Valerie Harper got into a pay dispute and the

Check your crystal, has it stated flashing red yet?

Love, hate or be indifferent by the new movie, I just think it would awesome to have action figures made in your image. The closest i can get to that is Silent Bob. Or WIll Riker.

You know, watching this series, I'm beginning to get the feeling that going to jail isn't the bundle of laffs that Jim Varney, Richard Pryor and Gene Wilder made it out to be.

Oooh, I like that…

Having terrorism thrillers these days is like having an awesome puppy but ignoring it to watch another episode of Puppies Are Awesome, Aren't They?