Low Mileage Pit Woofie

Do they even have a "Nice" List?

Yeah, I'm pretty sure Stephen King wrote my last Performance Review.

I liked her guest spot on Star Trek: Voyager. One of the few things I liked about the show.

Oh yeah? Where's the Benchwarmers review? I wanna hear it!

That's a decent price. What would it take for you to do a Benchwarmers, Superstar or Master of Disguise?

Ah, that's where Grandpa left his teeth!


They must have thought they got all the clickbait they could out of it, and just went, "Yeah, we lied, so what, it got you dopes talking."

How many shades?

Kobik, which is apparently fragments of a Cosmic Cube in the shape of a little girl, implanted false memories when she restored Rogers' youth at the behest of a Red Skull clone at the time. It will be resolved with disappointment and retconning and a return to the status quo and…. and shit I'm glad I got out of comics

Albus Severus Potter. ASP. Asp. A snake.
I think we've found the next Big Bad
(Come on, I love her, but that's the sort of "twist" Rowling would come up with. We all know it)

I wonder what went through his head when he hit the ground?

I thought they were gonna end in a massive pie fight, with pies made out of more Freys?

Arya is gonna end up as the Crazy But Cool Aunt, the one who'll teach Sansa's kids how to swear in Braavisi and slit throats.

Cracker barrels…

Bet I do.

Bet I could.

Nerd Oscars, maybe…

I'm looking forward to his reboot of Sigmund and the Sea Monsters with music from Ol Dirty Bastard.

Lyanna Mormont: doesn't know what a microphone is, but sure as fuck knows how to drop one…