Low Mileage Pit Woofie

The twist is she gets back to shore to find Benny Hill standing there.
Benny: "Ooh I say, miss, you had quite a nasty turn with that shark!"
Nancy: "Tell me about it! I thought it was gonna eat me whole!"
Benny: (turns to grin at the camera) "Oh no, miss, I'm sure you've got tastier parts than that!"

I am *so* using that excuse from now on…

Anyone remember the 80s TV series of War of the Worlds, set decades after the alien invasion in the 50s but in a world that looked identical to our own (same countries, same culture)? Where all the alien technology was just stored away and never exploited, and people conveniently blocked out even the concept of

Run, Ricky, your kid's found you again!

Unpaid, so it's the best kind!

You got it! The avatar, however, is my border terrier Edna…

Of course she'll be, because HOLLYWOOD…

At least reassure me that Etta Candy will be in this, sitting on Nazis and going WOO! WOO! every ten seconds?


Where was the public uproar about the dozens of men that Lily's acolytes, er, disarmed?

"You may be done with it, but *it* isn't done with *you*."
That was when it hit me: the actor playing Kaetenay was the Sphinx in Mystery Men!

Thanks - now I can say that and sound intelligent :-)

Question asked by my wife: why isn't the normally intuitive Vanessa's Spidey Senses not tingling with Dracula around?

Needs more Klingon.

True, dat.
I hadn't seen the original movie in years until recently, when I introduced it to someone who'd never seen it before. It… wasn't as funny as I remembered it. It rides so heavily on John Candy's charm and the cute kids I'm surprised anyone thought it was tv remake material once, let alone twice.

But he's only got 24 hours or the Chief will have his Uncle badge!

You forget how many people want shit that's bland and reassuring and unchallenging. That's why quirky, intelligent shows get cancelled and we still get umpteen seasons of Chicago CSI feat. Two Broke Odd Couples.

It'll have to do, I guess…

Don't you hate it when celebrities have tragic episodes in their lives and ruin your opportunity to make tasteless jokes with impunity about it?

I wonder if Spiner will work in a song and dance routine at some point in the series.