Low Mileage Pit Woofie

It makes sense that Trump would want to build a wall to keep out reality.

I have a feeling that if we ever do find out what porpoises and dolphins are saying, it'll be less "To be true as the tide and free as a wind swell, joyful and loving in letting it be." and more "I totally kicked a shark's ass once! Swear to God! Ya wanna fuck?"

"Maybe I’m not beautiful enough."

I'd love to visit Roscoe's! I got the soundtrack, and dig it out every so often to sing the Rap.

"All this video is missing is production values."

Everybody loves Menudo!

I'm going to need to you do something for me… on spec.

Also not coincidentally, Mike Nesmith also helped produce a comedy about the music video era, Tapeheads, starring a young John Cusack and Tim Robbins. I never knew anyone else who'd seen it until I met my current partner, and we began quoting lines from it to each other. So, I gotta thank Nesmith for that :-)

Dear Penny Dreadful Producers: If Lyle doesn't return in the next season, I will unleash Perdition upon you.

So how did the Brotherhood sneak in and kill everyone without the Hound hearing about it? Especially when his Hound Sense was already tingling from their earlier visit?

"Nothing ends. It merely becomes something else." - Narrator, Monkey

I've tried, twice, but each time I end up eating it along the way. Sorry.

"Delivered wrong".

Nice stomping!


Hoping they haven't spent it all on coke and whores…

None of them have, but none of them have been that successful either :-)

I'm sure after this the cast will go off to have amazing post-show career success. Just like the cast of Friends.

Because some folk are so intent on hating how these dumb girls are coming in and playing with their stuff and somehow going back in time to ruin their childhood that they'll grasp at anything to support their argument.

Of course, if he said that the movie was awful, the angry nerds would have gone, "Aha! See! From one of the original Ghostbusters himself!" But he didn't confirm their preconceptions, so he must be a shill.