Low Mileage Pit Woofie

I was gonna suggest that Saturday Night Live should simply tape everything.
Then I realised they've have to change the initials to SNR, which would make them sound like a podcast on Signal to Noise Ratio. Or maybe Stroke to Nut Ratio. I'd listen to at least one of them.

That was one of my favourite Wings songs!

Mostly at work, but when I'm not I've been helping the wife repaint the kitchen walls and ceiling. And I can't tell the difference between glossy and matt finish.

"Apparently, among other things, Trump is not thrilled with Spicer being played by a woman (I’ll leave others to unpack why the fuck that’s a thing)"

She is so far up her own ass she's a Human Ouroboros

So what *is* the answer? I'm pretty sure it's not my penis, because that's actually quite small.

I want to have her babies. Or have her be the next Doctor. I'll settle for the latter, given the state of my hips.

Graceless Under Fire, apparently…

I heard they can't broadcast her show in hospitals because the amputated body parts assemble to seek out their Dark Queen.

Probably healthier in the long run not to care too much :-)

Tough to let go of the sight of a show betraying its own ostensible street cred to kowtow to a buffoon and help him get that much closer to the Oval Office.

The show is gonna have to haul ass to regain the cred they lost with letting Trump host. Like my mother used to say, "You suck someone off, you don't really get to be mouthy to them afterwards."

Journalists asked the producers responsible for greenlighting it what their reasoning was, but Mr Bialystock and Mr Bloom were unavailable for comment.

But Thelma Todd was a gas. Carbon monoxide, if I recall.

How the hell is that line still so funny after 80+ years?

And look where we are today. The cat's in the cradle, and the silver bell…

The signs were there…

It's still valid, though. I love the man, and love his immense body of work, films that will last forever. But saying someone's a piece of shit or calling their movie bad without using your considerable experience to say why puts you on a level of the troll.

I agree. A lot. But not necessarily an infinite amount.

And your last critical and commercial success was how long ago, John?