
Let's go to the map, Myles. In the case of the battle, the show didn't break the laws of time and space this week. Dragonstone is fairly close to King's Landing, and it was clear that the wagon train of gold and supplies has already crossed the Reach and was close to home (and the gold was already in the city,

Schrödinger's coda

I feel like I was the one that got hit with the airbag after watching that episode.

Kyle, The Day After aired my freshman year of college. The only TV in the dorm was in a lounge, and a hundred of us crowded in to watch. The network made a big deal about about not running commercials after the bombs went off, and it was the right choice. The relentless draining of hope, the fact that every character

No, strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is.

They need to add House GOP members dancing about in celebration of their Death to American's healthcare bill. Up-to-the-minute douchery!

Right — let's get this out of the way out front: the studio clearly wanted the audience to relate to Chris Pratt's character, and for the audience to at least /understand/ the motivations for his horribly unethical decision to wake another passenger. My problem was, as an audience member, is that I have the exact same

eh, one does what one can on half a cup of coffee before rushing off to work

It was 20 minutes into the future.

"Tiger Woods—yeah, I WENT THERE."

Way late to the party, as we just binged Season 1 this week but—

THAT's a purple nurple

True, though Space wedgies are still a thing, I'm sure

Nice to know that, no matter how much technology changes, the Wet Willy endures.

Since we'll probably never get a season/series finale review, let me take this moment to point you in the direction of something else we'll never get either — "Rewind," another series about the adventures of ANOTHER trio of time travelers who are trying to stop a madmen with a hidden agenda from rewriting history.

Hey, no dissing Nowhere Man

PS — most of the games are once and done. Everyone nods their head politely, thanks me for bringing it in, and that's it. There have been a handful of hits, including Twixt, Jumpin' and Speed Circuit that have repeat requests, but that's it.

That's true of most of the 3M games.

I pulled that out for last night's game night, but one look showed it was too detailed and — quaint — to be played in a bar, or during this election. Every state in play? Win unions over to your side to get their support? Still, an interesting historical artifact.
