
I thought American Cheese was only used as a self-identification thing by Americans to proudly identify the individually-wrapped squares of cheese that makes a backyard hamburger into a cheeseburger.

I've never met a Canadian who uses the term "Canadian bacon". It's not like American Cheese, which we also don't say up here. Back bacon. Processed cheese. Hell, I've never really heard anyone say "back bacon" either, except to explain what Canadian bacon is; we just say ham.

I'll have to dig up my old Captain Power thing to test again, but I discovered pretty early that valid targets were just flashing on and off every field (60 fps) and damaging areas flashes on and off every frame (30 fps). I think I scored a hit on a flickering fluorescent light once, but I know for sure that a

Basically, the animation is really bad. Like, when matching the original's shots they didn't even rotoscope the timing, just made it super clunky instead.

We're going to learn that the laziest way to make money at indie filmmaking is to make a "documentary" about someone else's popular intellectual property, build it around other people's ideas you found on the internet, advertise it with stolen branding, and cry "fair use" all the way to the bank.

Sounds like Nardwuar's interview with him is way more entertaining, informative, and a better character study. In 8 minutes.

It reads like a joke, and I'm sure some edits are by undercover satirists, but you know, Poe's Law.

Haven't you seen Conservapedia?

A supreme court justice in 1964 said he couldn't strictly define porn, but "I know it when I see it". Wrong. Porn is easily defined by the immediate loss of all interest in it after ejaculating.

Why is Jon Snow the top of the care scale? Ned Stark is the high water mark. I'd score Jon Snow a 3.5 on his own scale, even Ygritte was more worth caring about.

I bought a bottle of Da Bomb off a similar rack. It's best applied via toothpick. Someone at work who'd been to India and talked a big game used it like regular sauce at lunch, stopped making sense when talking, had a bathroom emergency, and didn't come to work the next day.

"…going to keep linking to both" How about linking to neither, for fuck's sake? You don't have to link to every fucking piece of garbage you see in a day.

Tachyons. It's always been Tachyons.

No, heroin withdrawal can't kill you, only alcohol and benzo withdrawal can kill you. I mean in the sense that your body can shut down due to dependency if you stop cold turkey. Heroin withdrawal might inspire you to kill yourself, but the effects alone won't do it.

The more times one watches a Coen movie, the more favourite it becomes. They've only had 2 or 3 where my first viewing didn't make me think "ah, it's one of their lesser ones."

While waiting for the movie to start, a guy sitting a few rows behind me thought it appropriate to loudly regale the person sitting beside him with all the stuff he'd read on the internet about what was going to happen in the movie we were about to watch.
He also had some opinions to share about the villain he hadn't

That's 16x as much memory to fill by loading, you should be impressed that the load times are roughly the same when it's moving 16x the data.

The Mythbusters busted this 6 years ago. Great Job, Television.

Yeah, way better than the first two "universal" captions do. The old standbys "Who farted?" and "Nobody can tell I'm masturbating" do a way better job.
I'll add "My wife is a slut" and the LinkedIn invite to my mental database.

When Friends started I recognized him as Kevin's sister's boyfriend from The Wonder Years. His particular brand of nebbish sticks in the mind for some reason.