
And that obvious interpretation of the title is wrong. The point isn't that the country is changing, it's that old men have. The world ISN'T getting worse, getting old makes you feel like it is. Young people think "bad guys get due punishment from good guys" and as they age start to realize "actually the world is

When I saw Fiona Apple, Jurassic 5 opened for her. I think everyone in the audience, and everyone in Jurassic 5, felt pretty awkward about it.
Maybe it was because it was in very-not-hip-hop Vancouver, where I felt like the only person at the show who had even heard of them.

Even after being directed by Lucas? Natalie Portman is a fine actress, but with Lucas' dialogue and direction she was left a cardboard cutout.

First lesson of song identification: google some of the lyrics. Put a whole phrase in quotes to help. In this case it shoulda been a no-brainer, one of the lyrics is "DJ Shadow".


I don't think vanilla is about being bland or bad, it's about being "plain" or "default" or even just "been there done that too many times". I think it DOES carry the connotation of "it's the standard, for a reason."
Using vanilla negatively isn't about vanilla as a flavour itself, it's about how you would react to

Thank you, I was going to say the same thing; I'm just using it to select the coarseness.

I know! It's such a dilemma for me! Crudup's performance really elevates the character, when he leaves his village it's so emotional…but then Danes turns San into an annoying whiner and ruins everything.

You nailed it, #2 should be far more maligned than #3. Only the one most boring character returned, the authentic cars were replaced with product placements, the "stunts" were CG cars doing impossible jumps with color-coded flames coming out of their exhaust pipes. It was an insult to car culture AND dumb action

Ah, and here I was hoping Three had some respect along with One. Nobody appreciates that when the movies got better after that, they crossed from bad enough to be good to good enough to merely be bad.
Also that's when they started filling them with computer animations of cars made by people who think the bus jump in

Number two was a big pile of number 2. Worst in the franchise by far.

I remember when Youtube had a 5 star system. They changed it because everyone voted 5 stars on things that were good, and didn't vote otherwise, except 1 star on things they hate.

You're dangerously close to the "if they outlaw abortions, only outlaws will get abortions" argument.

If, like me, you're interested in the science of the mundane, David Rees had a show called Going Deep. From the episode about how to make the best ice cube, he had a bit about ultra-pure water:

Someone has to turn that guy's mic off, or at least down. He's constantly undercutting the comedy and pacing with mindless statements.

From what I understand, it's not so much about singing off-key, it's about cranking the software settings to 11. They set the retune speed to zero so it insta-jumps pitch, creating the unnatural robot effect. As designed it's meant to blend across so you don't detect it.

I think Gameological linked this a long time ago, but here's a game where you try to swing the elections by redrawing the maps to box in the population that's against you. But make sure you keep the leaders homes in their districts! You start to get pretty crazy geometry to meet all the requirements. And laugh at the

A friend of mine did an experiment: dealt a hand to an empty seat and randomly chose a card each turn. That "control group" hand won more often than any human player. The game has zero strategy.

It should come out some time after the Halo movie, the Last Of Us movie, and the Portal movie.