
Shadow Of The Colossus does that.

In the XBox 360's case, my 360 games aren't unplayable because the hardware is "difficult to acquire", they're unplayable because the hardware red-ringed out of warranty long ago and I refused to buy a new one.

It sounded like you were predicting the extent of dragon involvement would be them eventually showing up when their mommy is in trouble. LOL because nobody can control them lol.

Well there's one character who could control the dragons quite easily.

Wow, an increase of 6 thousand copies. $4200 after Apple's cut. Forty-two hundred bucks! Justice at last.

First place I went too. I get the sense the people on the AVClub's internet beat don't understand the internet. I have aunts on facebook doing a better job.

If you like laughing at reviews for stuff like this, WatHiFi on tumbler pulls some good quotes. $600 USB cable, a $10k ethernet cable, the hard drive changing the character of the music, a power cable changing the impact of a movie's action scene… I only want to know the percentage of True Believers to Cynical Money

You don't even have to touch the matte: the footage should simply be composited additively, or a straight double-exposure pre-computer. You're simulating light being added, so just add the light. You couldn't invent a more straightforward composite.
UNLESS the background plate was shot with projector light already

It's actually VERY easy to do correctly. You have shoot the background plate with the screen off, so you get the natural black level and reflections. When you composite the image onto the screen, do it ADDITIVE. You're simulating only light being added: just like with a projected film image, nothing can be darker than

Jesus, that plot sounds exactly like what half my Facebook feed thinks is happening in real life. Were the guys on the snow mobiles vaccine doctors or GMO scientists?

That article is plagiarized from 5 years ago.
Though they subtly link to the source (under the quote "dark age") before posting the exact same article slightly reworded.

You're asking that sarcastically, right?

So far the videophone and the bored I mean board meeting on the moon. 32 minutes in we're already on the Jupiter mission, so basically it's been non-stop space travel since the dawn of man.
And he's added inserts of Dave's eye or HAL's eye between sequences, perhaps a preview of the next evolutionary step?
It's at least

So turning your head is manually pan&scanning a widescreen movie that doesn't quite fit in your field of view. With a weird limit that if you turn too far (or look up or down) you see past the edge of the picture, or it locks you off at that edge. EXCEPT the camera operator is already doing a bunch of looking around,

Hey, this one is innovative! They actually render your hand when it opens the doors, not like every other C19FPIAs where the doors just open on their own. I'm so sick of the telekinetic insurance adjuster silent protagonist.

Ah, but a lot of the practical effects were forced perspective. That's not going to work at all when you're shooting 3D. So now you're compositing everything, PLUS you're doing it four times as much for double the frames and worrying about the left/right eyes actually working. Get everybody at the right depth. And no

3D at 48fps, specifically, certainly drives the effects costs up. I'm not sure how much, though.

Sounds like you guys haven't heard of "Interior. Leather Bar."

Done YEARS ago, google for it. You hear what it started as: 3 men singing normally to a really slow tempo.

Not THAT nerdy - I hardly know anything about music theory but I know each Octave is exactly half the frequency of the one above it, double the one below it.