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    I can't remember for sure either, but I think Fitz's plan was to leave out the kidnapping but nail him for the bombing.

    Throwing Mellie under the bus was Abby having a job (and a mind) of her own. Letting the man who kidnapped and tortured Olivia off the hook is what made it a betrayal.

    On a related note, why didn't they just tell Clive that Liv had a vision, and that's how they found the body. That would have made more sense than the geocaching thing (although that was funny).

    I don't think she heard the actual voicemail, I think she just heard Will talking about it. Then I think she asked him about it and he said that it wasn't important or something.

    The Maryland state song uses that tune, too.

    The piece played by the youth orchestra in Mexico is Danzon No 2 by Arturo Marquez. We played it in my (amateur) orchestra a couple of years ago and I loved it - it's so much fun to play. I was so excited to see it featured on this show.

    Holy shit, I just IMDB'd it and you're right! I had no idea that was her.

    As adorable as the pictures of Kerry Washington as a little girl were, it was kind of weird since they've already had a young actress play little Olivia.

    What about the fact that they were talking about killing their teacher on the video? I don't know anything about law except what I've learned from The Good Wife, but it seems to me that you would be obligated to turn over evidence that indicated that they were planning to commit another murder.

    Hi - I see your comment (am watching for the first time). Agree about Annabella Sciorra - I thought it might be her, but I had to look it up because I couldn't even tell for sure. Also, I assume that Diane didn't open the door because Bishop wanted his kid out of sight first. I'm sure you're right that they would

    Hi - I see your comment (am watching for the first time). Agree about Annabella Sciorra - I thought it might be her, but I had to look it up because I couldn't even tell for sure. Also, I assume that Diane didn't open the door because Bishop wanted his kid out of sight first. I'm sure you're right that they would

    Not to nitpick, but it was Nehru. That was funny, though.

    Apparently being a stay-at-home dad is even more worthy of his derision than being a woman.

    I was on board with that guy from the first clue, when he rang in and just said "… Nope."


    Yeah, I guess you're right. Maybe eating brains has something to do with it, since that's what keeps them from turning into decaying, "Walking Dead" type zombies?

    Here's my question: If Major is cured, wouldn't he then die from his injuries (again)? Zombies don't heal, right?

    I was kind of a weird clue, but Mawr does seem like it should have more vowels in it. Having "wr" at the end of a word is pretty unusual. Somehow that part of the clue got me to the right answer.

    They really leaned into it in this episode, though, with Stef's dream and her and Lena talking about how much they missed him, before they revealed that he was just at boarding school or whatever. Pretty cheap, if you ask me.

    Apparently they at least considered killing him off, but thought it would be too depressing and would ruin the show: