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    When you play online, you can pick 6 categories (out of 12), but Alexa just picks for you.

    My husband and I got an Amazon Echo for Christmas, which we've pretty much exclusively used to play J6. It used to just be Alexa, but they've recently added Trebek's voice - not reading the clues or anything, just doing a little introduction and stuff. I was disappointed, though, that he's not the one to tell you

    No mention of Ben Vereen? He was great.

    I pronounce cot and caught differently, and to me, squat rhymes with cot but not caught. (FYI, I'm from the Baltimore area but my parents are from the Pittsburgh area. I've been told at various times that I have both accents, so I'm not sure which is in play here.)

    Holy shit. I totally said to my husband "I think that's Cyrus in a wig. Maybe she's his daughter or something." Can't believe I called that.

    Jeremy Jordan starred in a recent performance of Newsies that they filmed and have been showing in movie theaters across the country in a limited engagement. There's one more showing on Wednesday night, and I highly recommend it. He's fucking fantastic in it. (And hot, even in a ridiculous newsboy cap.)

    Did everyone see that Shirley commented on this discussion post last week? It was a few days after the original post, so I'm sure a lot of you missed it.

    What? They wouldn't be taking additional points away from her, they would just be taking back the points that they gave her for answering correctly. It would be the same as if she hadn't buzzed in at all, they wouldn't be penalizing her for buzzing in.

    I said the exact same thing! My husband thought it was funny.

    Yeah, but isn't he going to get his powers from the cocoon? Hence all the husks, right?

    Sure, but Evel made it sound like being a vegetarian in and of itself could make you stop menstruating, which is just not true. Lack of proper nutrition can cause you to stop menstruating, but eating meat is not at all necessary for proper nutrition.

    That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. I've been a vegetarian for almost 25 years and I still menstruate.

    Mad World and Donnie Darko was the first thing that came to mind when I saw this article.

    It drives me crazy on TV shows when people get stupid drunk, and then five minutes later are having meaningful conversations and acting completely sober. That's not how alcohol works.

    I mentioned this above, but identical twins aren't hereditary. (Fraternal are, though.) Just FYI :)

    Xo broke up with Rogelio because they couldn't agree on having kids. That's a mature decision, not an inability to sustain a relationship. She got embarrassingly drunk twice (that we've seen) - once at her daughter's 21st birthday and once at her bachelorette party, two very special occasions that pretty much by

    Also, identical twins are not hereditary, only fraternal.

    The wedding photo was the detail I was missing, thanks!

    I'm confused about what exactly was happening when Philip snuck out of "Clark's" apartment. Why did Hans call him to tell him that Martha was on her way, and then why did Philip leave? Wasn't he there to see her? Did Hans give him some kind of signal that she was being followed? It also seemed like Martha noticed

    Except for Elijah's wonderful reaction to him. "How adorably inconvenient" is such a perfect summation of Matt Donovan.