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    Yeah, it would have been nice to get a review. Not a fan of the whole "OMG, Jesus is dead!… J/K, everyone's fine" thing. I'm glad they didn't kill off Jesus, but I thought it was really cheap to try to make everyone think they did.

    Melisandre is a shadowbinder, and that's why she was able to create the smoke monster. Shadow magic and the Red God are completely separate things. She claims that they're connected, but what Thoros does is straight up Red God, and we haven't seen any proof that she can do anything like that.

    You were great as the snowman in Frozen!

    And what was his charity? Something about encouraging kids to go into medicine? Aren't there plenty of kids that want to be doctors? It may have been a perfectly wonderful charity that helps underprivileged kids pay for medical school or something, but the way he described it made it sound kind of pointless.

    I was wondering if they were going to show the part where she goes back to work and is treated horribly by everyone for daring to press charges against the officer, even though he confessed. I guess in Shondaland, she just lived happily ever after.

    How did you miss "You're going in the wrong direction!" after Robert (?) got a couple of clues wrong. As soon as I heard that, I thought, "That'll be in 'Today in "Trebek is an asshole!"' tomorrow."

    Jeopardy! was preempted in my area by coverage of the Baltimore riots, so thanks, Jay S. Also, I thought as a game show enthusiast you might appreciate this: I saw John Davidson play the Wizard in a touring production of Wicked the other night. He was actually pretty good.

    Yeah, I really don't get how he could go to the police after they already cleaned up the crime scene. How could he possibly have explained that?

    Oh, OK. I actually wasn't sure about that, and I'm kind of glad. If Boone had stolen it from the diner guy, I would have thought Raylan should have given it back to him.

    No. No, no, no. Just stop. No.

    You all do know that the new hat was the one that Boone had been wearing, that he stole from the guy at the diner, right? It is ugly as hell, but appropriate, I think.

    I thought the "whopping" part may have been sarcastic. You can never tell with these clue writers and their wacky sense of humor.

    Even though it was obvious to me that the witness was fake, it didn't bother me that the murderer fell for it. Babineaux told him a lot of details about the meeting that he couldn't possibly have known unless someone saw it.

    They remind me of Veronica and Wallace, too, and that was probably my 2nd favorite relationship on that show (after Veronica/Keith), so I hope they don't ever get together. I see your point about at least acknowledging the possibility, though. But I feel like there may have been a couple of minor things with