
Is Samberg discovering in that picture the missing volume of eighth-grade talent show humor he's hasn't used on the show so far?

This song is so early '70's Stones influenced it's ridiculous ("Gee, banned for fear of inciting violence and full of hedonistic revelry? Think we would've pointed out the Stones influence? Hell no, we're the AV; we'd rather say Dawes influenced it out of spite.")

That Nick Nolte movie? I don't it received any nominations.

Weird that someone of Blanchett's experience would cowtow to Mia Farrow suddenly coming out of the woodwork with molestation charges; you think she would see through that.

Blanchett for best actress; Bullock having panic attacks in space and Deepak Chopra time with the ghost of Clooney didn't quite cut it.

My grandmother's apartment building was next door to the one where Mr. "Warriors, come out and play"/Sully from Commando" lived. Saw him putting his girlfriend in a cab once (and Burt Young from Rocky actually lived in her building. East 91st attracted the thespic spirits).

Ah, the comment-board mob with their torches. You can set your watch to it.

Or maybe a display of God's sense of humor after making her father look like a crazed gargoyle.

If it comes off as pretentious, no, he shouldn't
(see also his play, "Picasso at the Lapin Agile.")
His novels like Shopgirl and that art one and his subsequent film adaptation of Shopgirl are good. Ditching magical yuppie humor was a good move.

No, that whole New Age music montage while he's reflecting on love interest/real-life wife gets pretentious, as does the Hamlet/Yorick reference and the highway billboard as divine communicator.

Out of that whole list, I'd only rate Planes Trains, Dirty Rotten, and parts of My Blue Heaven as worthwhile. The others are really precious or smarmy yuppie confections. By Leap of Faith Martin wanted too much to be taken as a serious artist and didn't know how to tonally deliver a decent comedy anymore.

Also the sister of "Save Tonight" Eagle-Eye Cherry.

I'd take the young Corbin Bersen, Hamlin-Dey-Smits love triangle and Stewart facing off with his anti-Semitic mother-in-law over some artificial saracastathon like Scrubs any day.

I met her on a Sunday and my heart stood still, a do-run-run-run…

My great-grandfather Alexei Bobrinskoy plays the ambassador at whose party Day sings the song (he was a curator at Christie's; Hitchcock liked him and threw him some roles).

I guess the film's narrative of one friend pursuing the dead-end charm of geeky shut-ins while the other just stares and achieves success through her megarack played itself out in real life.

They had a clip of that Kerrigan SNL on the 'Kerrigan/Tonya Harding Revisited' special tonight before closing ceremonies. Her saying 'I didn't say it was the corniest thing I had done, I said it was the horniest thing' about her appearance with Mickey at the Disney parade was actually pretty funny.

If only Ford didn't resemble Butch Night at a gay bar in the Castro and the girl Halloween night at the sorority
(are we supposed to giggle every time they're onscreen?).