
His segment on how Phillip Morris sues the shit out of small countries trying to legislate rules on cigarette packaging was great. Obviously we all know that Big Tobacco is horrible, but he has the ability to take lots of time to delve deeper into issues than most other media can. And being on HBO means no advertiser

Like her ovaries, those scenes were probably cut out for a very good reason.

Yup! I was expecting shit ton of commercials and got none on Apple TV. First time I had ever looked at the Yahoo! Screen app and I was very pleasantly surprised.

My grandparents used to tell me this crazy story when I was little. Once upon a time network tv shows, including live sports!, magically floated across the sky and when you forced the smallest family member to turn a knob on your television it entered into your living room through a metal thingamagig called an

Only if she's 5'3"

But my parents don't even have a caller id!

Martha Stewart can give him advice on how you should first crack the egg and then throw it at your neighbor's house to maximize the scrambling of yolk on the stucco.

I saw what you did, and now I'm board.

I played the E.T. game on Atari and I'm sure this will be just as great.

You make the call!

Very cool, "Todd". You have a lovely house!

Coffee table bumpers? Kids these days don't know what it's like to be chased by your cousin, slip on a toy, and slice your ear in half! Phhft!

Has there ever been an Oscars where they didn't screw up the memoriam? I totally watch it just to see how badly they mash it up.

it hurts when he farts….we didn't hear a peep from him so we assumed he died

This is refreshing. After reading the book reconciling the IRL Larry - supportive, not banging the best friend on the outside - with the Show Larry has been a challenge. And I don't like challenges.

I'm sure I'm not the only one who now wants pussy and weed.

Quinn mentioned him last week when talking about the office that used to be Harrison's and before that Stephen's. It was Scandal destiny!

“We have a two-term president who is a black woman [Cheryl Boone Isaacs] and we give out awards to black people when they deserve them,” the male voter adds

Something something Black Hills something tits