
Tennessee Todger does not find this funny at all.

I went to Toronto on a business trip and bought a pack just to show my dad back home. I have a strange taste in souvenirs.

He really hates to pee because each time he does he's forced to look at his teeny-weeny penis.

Damn my hair, it just won‘t behave, and damn Rose for being ill and subjecting me to this ordeal. I have tried to brush my hair into submission but it‘s not toeing the line. I must learn not to sleep with it wet. I recite this five times as a mantra whilst I try, once more, with the brush. I give up. The only thing I

Yay! She's a great actress and CBS is damn lucky to have her. The OINTB episode covering her backstory (with her real-life twin brother playing her character before transitioning) was one of my favorite.

When he's stepping into the shower with his wife there is a quick glimpse of his peen.

If Ben Affleck is willing to swing schlong in Gone Girl, then I deserve to see some sausage with my sexy, dammit!

I'll show you a Deep C.

I would like to know more.

Holy shit, I'm 4.37 light years from Alpha Centauri. Just like last week!

When I was a young whippersnapper obsessing and following every piece of a celebrities life was considered stalking and frowned upon. Now get off my lawn!

What difference does it make??

I purposefully avoided sites like AV Club while reading ASoIaF, but silly me thought I could go to CNN to learn about news of the world without getting spoiled off a show on HBO. I'm sure lots of people who watch the show only learned about the Red Wedding in a similar fashion since many wait a day or more to see it.

Based on how rape kits are often treated - oops, I mean completely forgotten about - it's amazing anyone ever comes forward with rape allegations.

Thank goodness O'Neal also left the hardcore minstrel fucking scene out. It was really dark.

Last month I watched a Summer Glau holiday tv rom movie where she was an elf that left the North Pole to be a nanny and fell in love with the kids' uncle. Or maybe I was just drunk and imagining it.

It is as amazing as you imagine it to be.

And free!

Ah yes, the inevitable 4-part trilogy.

Even The Shining? Really?