
Oh my goodness, that is amazing. Thank you!

I discovered Home Video from Gossip Girl. Shame? I have none.

Watch it if you get a chance. I never had the chance to see them live, but it gave me a glimpse on what I missed out on.

This list reminded me that Reign is coming back. Raspy-voiced hottie Nostradamus and sequined chain-mail? Oh hell yes.

Next you're gonna tell me that Godzilla doesn't do his own stunts.

The very first thing I used Airplay for when I got my Apple TV was to stream YouPorn from my iPad to my tv. That was a good day.

Candy is dandy, but incest is best.

I'd be happy with the Ser Pounce Show.

I'm trying to make a pun, but I just can't put my Littlefinger on it.

This is why I only read AV Club with the sound off.

Spoiler Alert!

Carpe DIEm, amiright?!

Hopefully this brings further public awareness of the risk of depression in those suffering physical ailments. With the baby boomer generation aging this will likely become more common.

It's gotta be on cbs.com, right? Oh wait, I'm assuming CBS has a website. Nevermind.

It's that old saying:

a lot of u fans are low key gay

To be fair, the 1970's were the Beyonce of decades.

That's the thing about garbage, no one wants it, yet we all have to have it.

Can they also make a PSA reminding everyone that tall people don't make good windows and there may be a poor shorty standing behind them at the concert doing the ants in the pants dance just to see a smidgeon of the stage?

i swear everytime i bother looking at the commentswatching superhero movie its always the same
shit : cheap shots and shitty inside jokes. even on the tvsuperhero reviews you
people always relentlessly post the same crap.