
Apparently the joke was literally over Hannity's head.

Season 5 will be a nu start.

It's not plagiarism, it's HBO.

To fuck you in the ass? It is Comcast after all.

Next up on Newswire: NBC developing comedy show that asks, "what if your white daughter dated a black man?"

Lady Boss? What does that even mean? A lady can't be a boss. We're too busy figuring out discreet ways to carry a tampon to the office bathroom to be bothered with managing people.

This news just popped my pudding.

Ah crap, I was hoping it was Genie Sys, a movie about a boy who's older, cooler sister is a genie in a bottle that grants his friends three wishes. Spoiler alert! Every wish is a blowjob.

Science Friday is reading Dune for their summer book club. Would be interesting to read it along with their weekly discussions. It's been a long time since I read it, maybe I'll jump into it again.

Sounds like AV Club writers are in my book discussion group. Last month we read The Dinner and now reading Gone Girl in anticipation of the movie this fall. Both delve into the deep recesses of familial relationships, which is both scary and yet a ton of fun to explore.

Don't ever change, man.

I'm glad I am not contributing to the name Kid Rock appearing near the words glass dildo on the internet.

Return to Paradise was great. He does have acting chops, just hasn't shown them off lately.

Today on NPR I learned that in the hyena world females dominate the males and have penises that are bigger than their male counterparts. I think we can all agree that superhero movie about a crime-fighting Female Hyena Penis is sorely needed.

Clavius playing Good Cop - "Let me make this easy on you, Peter. You
tell me where the body is and I'll make sure the brass forgets all about
those parking tickets on your fishing boat."

I smell a TONY!

The call is coming from INSIDE THE AVATAR!

You're gonna need a bigger bottle.

Not too weird, but I always loved….

There are two colors in my head