
BBC = Boobs, Balls, Cock (unless otherwise notified)

"Be playful with your love" is the quote on my Dove chocolate.

I should've clarified - white socks with sneakers and shorts.

Ankle socks like I wear!

Your wife is a smart woman. No one is perfect, including yourself. Accept it and let love happen. So what if he wears white socks with sneakers, if he makes you laugh and goes downtown on the regular, he's a keeper.

My mom (who is about to celebrate 40 years of marital bliss to my dad) always told me that 'soulmate' is just another word for future murder victim. And never pay rent with your pussy. I trust her advice over rom-com advice any day.

I would always be the man on the horse because I'm short and it was easy to grab from across the board.

I've always done well mortgaging cheaper properties (especially if you don't have a monopoly on that color) to get houses/hotels as quickly as possible. I call it the Donald Trump Strategy - you're insolvent, but you got a very classy hotel to show for it.

I like to think of the purples as my newly-gentrified neighborhood. With all the quickly built houses and hotels the side of the board that used to be a cheap place to park your iron and get a hooker with no risk of going to jail is now hipster central with $4 toast and artisan tampons. And all within one quick trip

I pretty sure I dated this guy.

Getting an engagement ring at a cheesy mall jewelry store. But everyone knows that every kiss begins with Kay.

I've heard that back in the day Leno was a comedian's comedian. He really helped out new people getting in the business with good advice and such. Doesn't make up for the 4,000+ Lewinsky jokes he told, though.

Or a Disney version of the Krakauer's book Under the Banner of Heaven. Polygamy is fun!

no one was too high or too low to escape their wit, and we are all the better for it.

Show Stannis is nowhere near as funny as Book Stannis

I learned how to properly clean myself watching Silkwood

They do in Sacramento at least. Whenever I drive near it I'm consumed with deep regret and the need for pie.

It's going somewhere. To another safe location that seems perfect, where Rick can raise Carl into a man. But then out of nowhere the people who lived in that safe location turn out to be bad and cause lots of fights with our heroes. There's probably a barn full of zombies and Rick will shoot them. And then they

Make them zombies?