
oh you guys, lol

Less than 19 hours on Sledge Hammer! yet 4 days on Designing Women. My priorities were obviously out of whack as a child.

Fucking hell, nbcnews is a piece of shit now. Just now the "latest" news section crashed my browser, an activity that occurs at least 3 times a day.

"Ancient Aliens, season 4. The episode with that guy with the hair talking about a lightbulb inside a pyramid or something. You know which one I'm talking about. And no, not the Mayan calendar one, dammit!"

She put on her thinking turtle and came up with a brilliant idea.

What? No Dads? Shocked I tell you.

I was expecting Valtrex: It's Not For Just Kayaking Anymore

♫ Booby Booby Booby

Knock Knock
Who's there?
Uh, what?
Ha ha.

Obviously Colbert is racist against racists. #CancelTwitter

Is this when he gets naked or wears the Nazi costume?

Mother, May I Sleep With Danger? Part 2: This Time, Danger Has a Name, And it is Dean

Yes! Now we can finally see the Puppy Parade!

Temper Trap - further proof that I'm an old fogey who doesn't know what those kids who won't get the fuck off my lawn listen to these days.

Run the Jewels is great and well worth listening to more than one song. And I'm someone who agrees with your complete list of acts you'd be interested to see.

Dammit, and just last month I took her advice to always cleanse my vagina with organic kale and freshly picked coconut husks from Sri Lanka before consciously coupling. And now conscious uncoupling is the 'in' thing? Thanks for nothing GOOP!

Hi! I'm the Banker and I will now take all those crappy little houses you built on Baltic and securitize them into triple-A rated CDOs. I will then pay you all your 2nd Place in Beauty Pageant winnings and $200 when you pass GO in the rents to be collected on the Baltic CDO. This will work out great because rents

I *knew* those four railroads were going somewhere very bad.

Puff, the Magic Daddy

I watched Melancholia one night when I was feeling real down about myself and the world I live in. It didn't help my mood at all, in fact made me quite scared when I saw a gigantic full moon in the sky that night.
So, no, you aren't wrong.