
I would not say I have made a HUGE point of not making this personal (I frankly find it funny to watch some.of the die hards seethe, especially the ones who start out by insulting any reviewer who dares to criticize the show, though since I don't know any of them, perhaps that is still not personal). I don't come here

This makes me laugh all over again at all the promotion before season 2 focusing on how "sexy" the show is…er, if you're into lots of rape I guess.

Thank you, oh Arbiter of Complaint Reasonableness.

That's "repeatedly praising?"
Though now I need to go back and refresh my memory about just how crappy the show had gotten as of April 11

The soundtrack will be Claire's sobbing to the tune of Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy.

I'm going to do a spin off series involving only Claire's chin and Jamie's eyebrows. Maybe we'll include Claire's forehead creases if things need a shake up.

Thanks, AshAlly08 - I don't mind any of the replies, but I do think a very small handful of the people giving me hate are funny because I see them hitting every paid reviewer who dares to criticize the show to tell them how terrible and biased by bitterness their reviews are (or some variant of that) :)

Funny - IMO, I don't know how someone can read this series and honestly call Claire the "main protagonist"

Whereas in the books, we understand why he is already good at these things. We don't waste an episode at Lallybroch in season 1 watching him fumble around as the pompous boy laird, for instance. We know he is worldly at what modern audiences would view as a young age because of his military experience in France and

Uncommon, sure (my dating life is certainly a testament to that :)). Unrealistic? Not really. That's what I don't get- why some commenters think a Book Jamie could not possibly have existed at the time, especially not when they think that petulant little boy Jamie in the show is more realistic.

I don't see anything appealing about Show Jamie the Whiny, Melodramatic, Idiot Boy. Complexity? Where? Why would an adult woman want to stay married to this guy?

I cannot upvote this enough

If Ron made Claire have sex with small furry animals, I'm confident that several of these commenters would defend that choice.


Bobblehead reviews or professional critics reviews?

Awww Gio, don't take it so personally when either reviewers or strangers criticize your show. Your reactions to reviewers who dare point out any flaws are laughable.

What a complete non sequitur

There's a 94% critic rating for season 2 so far?

I guess we have different standards for what counts as praise from critics.

I am not having trouble navigating; I simply don't see any of these alleged rave reviews from critics.