
I meant that comment to be to KevyB's comment about book Claire being whiny; you and I definitely agree on show Claire being a whiny version of book Claire :)

A minor point among the rest of your comment, but she really isn't whiny or shrewish in the book. She does really stupid things fairly often and is feisty, but not whiny.


So Colum is going off to deliver his decisions about the future of the clan and then kill himself, and he didn't tell anyone back home? Psh.

You don't think Colum would have told his lawyer and his wife about his plans? Psh. Unless show Colum is an idiot like everyone else.

Did they call it a dangerous pregnancy? They didn't even determine she was pregnant until Jamie creepily reveals he's been keeping a calendar of her periods.

This is why I try not to read or listen to anything Ronny says. He sucks.

What's a joke?

I miss Buffy.

Didn't you know? Nothing says "blood of my blood" like a fossil.

BS. They could have fled. She could have survived the famine with the rest of the Frasers, or at least tried to before heading back through the stones.

Yea, that sounds like par for the course

So? He could have seen her safe by sending her to Lallybroch with Fergus or somewhere else away from the fighting.

Outlander is "classy"? I'm not saying it isn't good, or that it is trashy, but "classy" would never have come to mind.

I'm trying to start a fight by asking the commenter to explain the comment? Oh please.
I maintain that there was no reason on the face of the show for Claire to go back when she did.

Can you point me toward a screenshot of such a broadsheet? I do not recall even once mention being made of Claire being a known traitor in the show.

Really? I just never pictured her as this awful- I just didn't think she was as fully fleshed out as the other characters. Not warm and fuzzy, but never a screechy brat. But I guess she had to inherit something from Claire?

Nah, for biceps, give me Sawyer on Lost. Damn, do I miss that guy.

People seriously read book Bree as this much of a brat? I don't LOVE book Bree, but come on- this was just a caricature of a bratty college kid.

If Daryl dies, I riot.