
Me too ;)

I don't see any critics on RT raving about season 2, though I will certainly keep looking.

Where are the critic reviews on season 2 on rotten tomatoes? I'm scrolling through but have yet to see a respected critic gush about season 2

Lots of crappy shows have huge fan bases.

Just pointing out the irony ;)
By all means, reply. It is kind of funny.

Yvonne for the win!

Hehe praiseā€¦

Kinda like how I still watch the show on lazy Saturday morningsā€¦

Then there is LITERALLY no reason for you to keep upsetting yourself by replying to me or other critics. It's clear you take our criticisms personally for some reason.

Oh, is this what passes for character development for you?

Character development would be great!

She is not the "main protagonist" in the source material, and the show is weaker for trying to force her into that role.

She is one of the protagonists, not THE PROTAGONIST.

They don't need to make up more stuff for her to do or more drama to happen to her; she has enough already.

Yes, as I mentioned, Claire is obviously narrating the story.

She HAS "stuff to do."

I don't think we read the same book. Jamie is at least equally, if not more of, a protagonist in DIA.

That doesn't mean they were ABOUT her. They were about the relationships, and we just happen to see them through Claire's eyes. This is the major failure of the show; they tried to keep the relationship but have utterly failed to develop it.

She is one of the protagonists in the source material, not THE protagonist.

We "get" that the SHOW is about Claire and think it was a bad choice. I wouldn't have read the books if they were like this.