
We aren't talking about network dramas, but even if we were, which actresses in those is she more talented than?

You seem to have an unhealthy fixation on her.

That's what I mean; saying Caitriona deserves an Emmy puts her in the same league as all of these truly amazing actresses and it is just ridiculous. Nothing against her - I doubt she thinks she's that good either.

Awwwwww don't cry because I criticized the acting skills of your stalking target.

Your comments make me wonder if you are of the Everyone Gets a Trophy Generation.

Lol, your impotence is amusing :)

Does your wife know how obsessed you are with Caitriona?

I wish I could remember where I saw her comment that Brianna wasn't an interest to her; I can't remember her exact wording but it was something to that effect.

Outlander is proof that you don't have to be particularly talented to "work in this field" so you can stop referencing some vague experience you have in TV aaaaaaaaany time now. I would be a better actress than her but I am nowhere near pretty enough to have made a career on tv and never even considered it coming out

She's never going to be your girlfriend, Gio.

Why am I not surprised that one of the few men here refers to those who disagree with him as harpies and tells them to get laid? Tiny dick syndrome?

fwiw, I wasn't totally sucked in by book 1 when I first read the series. Book 2 is what brought me in, and book 3 is good too. I think they start going downhill from there, with the most recent book falling off a cliff.

Hasn't Diana basically admitted she doesn't really like Bree but having given Jamie and Claire a child, she of course had to keep writing her? I know she does a lot of research but she seems to wing the plot a lot

It's a combination of unskilled acting on Caitriona's part and bad writing. She may turn out to be a talented actress down the road but she is not fluent in it yet and it shows.

Define "rare"; I know quite a lot of people who feel the same way I do. Additionally, what difference does it make if my opinion is "rare"?


Er, okay. I thought it was a blessing that she didn't have many lines and that her one emotive scrunchy face was kind of appropriate for once. Hard to get emotional over characters who have been one dimensional for so long.

You take criticism of the show really personally. Seek help.

Did I say my opinion was more valuable? Chill, cupcake- not everything is a personal insult directed at you.

Totally agree- showing the rape of Fergus was unacceptable. And Claire is completely unlikeable; she needs to head back to the 20th century immediately.