
Heh. Not quite where I was going with this but for the record, I would love to be a prostitute. The only other job that pays so much for doing so little is politics, but that's too morally compromised for me to even contemplate.


That would make sense, but didn't we see this Nafisi arrive in a limo and walk into the apartment? Besides, I thought it was meant to be the same packet he was using during his interview with Saul?

Yes, there are people who don't like to shred documents! I'm one of them - I just want to get it over with so I take more and more pages at a time until the shredder jams… which annoys me even more.

And the code is apparently plastered on the door where no-one could miss it.

I understand she's poisoned. Her symptoms are the same as the girl in the bathroom, as was her line, "it won't stop" as the blood run down from her nose. Add to that the last words of the professor before he slit his throat: "you'll understand soon enough" or something to that effect….

I loved that look of "whatever, I'll just go along with it" on Chloe's face when she discovered Lucifer's "love handles"… Sadly, it was just a dream.

If she could add more tongues surely she could add other parts as well? And if she didn't know what they are, couldn't she find out in a second or two? In short, this is one aspect that I didn't buy. Jason might be an idiot, but she is not.

Damn, I did not see this one coming!

That scene was completely realistic too, I knew I guy like that… One day I found him with burns all over his face - he brought his cigarette and his mask too close together.

I wonder how did Chidi actually earn such a high score. It doesn't seem like he accomplished much in his life… he never even finished his book but from what we know of it, it wasn't a masterpiece. What did he do then?

Also true in corporate America for that matter.

That's because you're doing it wrong - it's not your brain you have to tell to stop it…

"Sentient brains want to snatch the bodies of Earth’s leaders"? The Doctor should help them, not fight them!

Indeed, after reading your comment I had to search for The Get Down to see what the heck that was…Let's just say that A.V Club's editorial decisions are certainly not the same as I would make, but what are you gonna do?

Understandable, but it's a pity - she was quite good there, too.

"Holy shit! Hannah Dunne can sing! And she can sing in Czech! When the hell did that happen?!?"
It was established she could sing in the first series episode 7, where she went around some party singing Billie Holiday's number "you go to my head".

If that scene happened I didn't remember it and to be honest, I still don't.

Don't forget to feed the fish.

Are you perchance writing a new episode of "Strindberg and Helium" ?