
… and it's an excellent gift as far as I'm concerned.

The same way you address Doctor's unlikely showing up in general. Doctor produces magic paper, and everybody just goes along with it :)

My interest in Doctor Who is directly proportional to the amount of Billie Piper in it. I was a big fan when she was on it, less and less after she left - in the end, I think I saw one episode of the last series.

I'd say it's the opposite, actually. Wouldn't you think all those people (and there were quite a few, going by all those statements Nora looked at) popping back in that other "2%" reality would cause a bit of a stir there? Wouldn't at least some of them *try* to cause a stir? (that b-grade celebrity who felt left out

Telling instead of showing was what allowed them to maintain ambiguity. Which is the name of the game these days, apparently.

Why not? We could still see Meg in a flashback, in a dream, in an afterlife…

Well that sucks! It only just came back from a break, for god's sake!

I agree with the sentiment, swapping genders should never be offered as a sufficient justification for remake. In fact I don't think there is such a thing as sufficient justification for remake - I say, go and write a new show you lazy bastards!

Actually the commandment is not akin, it is exactly that: thou shall not murder. The Hebrew word used in the original *is* one for murder, not killing.

That surah is called At-Takwir if you care to search for it, and it seems to be Quranic equivalent of Biblical ravings from the Book of Revelation. Which is also an "awesome book" :)
In other words while I have no great love for Islam, I wouldn't worry about this line too much: It's just poetic imagery, not a demand

It is indeed. I actually know nothing about Jay Leno as a TV personality, I just know him as that guy with a massive garage - and I like him.

I thought the rational answer was "you don't have to kill him, you just have to break his baby legs so he never joins the army"

As much as I enjoy watching Game of Thrones, I don't actually want to see any spin-offs. Knowing when to stop is a great skill too, one all too rare in entertainment industry.

"Now, it seems to me the simple answer here is that because Octavia won
the conclave, Skaikru gets to put everybody in the bunker. Then the
remaining spots are divided up equally between the other 11 clans"

Yes, I'm really tired of Tandy being Tandy - in fact this was the first episode where I started skipping through parts because they were just annoying me. Also I'm sorry but this child needs to go, his whole storyline feels like a massive drag.

I was certainly surprised to find AV Club dropped reviews of The Path while continuing to review such crap as [insert a show of your choice here]… oh well. It turns out the show kept going and even managed to get another season without any help from AV Club.

Sekou’s death came as a surprise to me - after all, Carrie hasn't slept with him yet…

I was lucky to see it early and I had a chance to form my own opinion: I enjoyed it.
Now it seems trendy to bag it, but I'm sticking with my first impression.

So do you want us to watch or do you want us to fuck off? Can't have it both ways I'm afraid.

World's reply: it's not that we don't *like* queer men as our main characters, it's more that we don't care all that much because majority of us, even if we are sympathetic in principle, are simply not queer. You don't have successful comedy because the interest just isn't high enough - deal with it.