
US military have a few Muslim chaplains on duty. One of them would probably perform the rites because it is, you know, their duty.

I think the blade can kill celestial being, but you still have to deal a killing blow… If I recall when Maze stabbed Amenadiel it was a pretty solid stab, not just a scratch. Although I might remember it wrong.

"As for your pudding… ok, yes - sometimes I lay waste to precincts fridge but have mercy Daniel, how was I supposed to know it was yours? "

you're welcome!

Maybe so, but Buffy at its worst was still better than Shakespeare at his best.

Wash your mouth with soap, Buffy never sucked.

Merriam-Webster is correct, she is talking about Bachelor of Aeronautical Engineering. She's got one, and she'll show you how to get one too.

Is The Expanse really that good? I watched the first episode and it did absolutely nothing for me. For the record, I watch and mildly enjoy Dark Matter but I couldn't get into Killjoys either.

That probably *would* be the reason, as a matter of fact. I half expected the new improved resolution would reveal swastika on the wall behind her…

Am I going crazy or is this a different Bear? It's been a while but I could swear he used to be a German shepherd, but now… he's not.

If you can find it, you can have mine.

I have to unburden: I don't, nor did I ever have a thing for Prince.

I'm afraid David Wenham will always and forever be the slacker beach bum from "Sea Change" to me… I have a hard time reconciling the image of Diver Dan with a ruthless corporate douche!

That's the first thing I've ever heard in my life that made me want to live in the UK.

"Would a Polish hospital really use the anglicized Jane Doe?"
Almost certainly not - other languages often adopt anglicised words when they lack their own, but that usually happens in case of new developments, mainly technological ones. Unidentified bodies turning up are not a new development in Europe… or anywhere

Well then, couldn't they just add some nudity and lesbian action?

I know, right? Billie Piper and saucy outfits - how could it go wrong? You'd think that show had all the right ingredients … yet it bored me to tears.

Well if we can't have Docto Who movie, could we have a spin-off with Rose? That's all I've always really wanted anyway, and "Secret Diary of a Call Girl" proved strangely disappointing as a substitute.

It's just because every Aussie/Kiwi that ever landed an acting gig moves to Hollywood immediately after.

Indeed. I read somewhere that to repopulate you need at least 300 couples to ensure enough diversity in the gene pool. So if you ever find yourself as the last couple somewhere… don't bother.