
It's bc many ppl dislike Lena Dunham, and rather than watch the show and try to give it a fighting chance, they watch enough to feel qualified to pass absolute judgment (2 eps or less) and then troll recaps looking for a fight.

Good recap! My first thought after your last paragraph was, wonder if they're invited to the wedding, and there was your observation. Guessing we'll never find out though, unless they do a ff.

I laugh out loud at Elijah's one liners and ridiculous behavior just about any time he's on the screen.

And someone who is optimistic and encouraging, rather than someone who puts him down and doesn't support him.

Cool story. Your wife's a lucky lady.

How can you not understand what the "Adam and Jessa make a movie" storyline is for?? It's the entire reason for Adam's sudden realization that he wants to be with Hannah, after he's unwittingly forced to reflect on their relationship through his direction of and starring in that movie.

Yeah, but it just seems unfinished. Why did they create Ed's creepy vibe w/ Abigail if nothing was going to result from that? Just so we could think he was a creep? It just seems messy never to address it and leave it hanging.

Now that we see the loose ends that didn't really get tied up, I feel like the creepy vibes from Ed were invented to be another red herring to throw viewers off the trail and make us think maybe there was something to it that might be a clue or make us suspicious of him.

Such a great finale, but really wish they could've made it two hours. So many unanswered questions.

Feels like Nathan could almost be low-key violent - the way he lashes out at Ed, looking for a fight, and the way he blows up after hearing about Abigal's project and trying to confiscate her laptop while she and Bonnie try to snatch it away.

How reductive of you.

I think sometimes, songs are just songs and he probably picked it bc he likes it, not bc he's trying to publicly convey his latent feelings for Madeline.

I think they were trying to be diplomatic in hopes Abigail would see reason, then their unreasonably calm demeanor when telling Madeline and Ed was to stifle the impending and inevitable tantrum from M, which backfired when she mistook their chill for their acceptance of her project.

Nobody was seriously considering it. Like Madeline, you failed to pay attention to the words that were actually being spoken by Bonnie and Nathan and just became outraged, something they were trying to stave off by their intensely calm demeanor.

She is. Many people last week commented on the unethical behavior of the therapist is agreeing to meet w/ Celeste w/out Perry, even though she's treating them both, but she stated she throws out the rulebook when she senses a client's life in danger.

He just sits there with it on pause 'til he hears your key in the lock and then yells "Almost over!" with 22 minutes to go.

I don't even think it's a half hour most of the time. Like 26 minutes or some shi*.

And who is vindictive and nasty and very alpha male in other ways.

Please let it be two hours!

I got the sense she was trying to use the affair to distract from Abigail's project, maybe put her focus elsewhere and in a vain attempt to show her how mistakes can eff you up.