
Hey some people run hot.

No, revenge for her would be seeing the Lannisters out of power (and likely killed), which would be accomplished by advising Dany and allying herself with her.

No mention of the last scene where the Ambassador's assistant reveals he knows June and that her husband is alive??

Yeah, the mom definitely minimizes her and the father's roles in becoming more absent in Hannah's life and contributing to her worries over money and college, preferring instead to fixate on it being the school's fault and demanding retribution. But at the same time I feel like they're subtly making the point that it

I get all of what you're saying and you do make valid points, but the underlying takeaway is these aren't adults with rational means of coping with situations. As the article says, as a teenager, everything is so amplified, every situation fraught w/ emotional charge and hormones and confusion and reflection and

Ha, no, and that question has been the subject of more than one article.

"So many" is pretty relative. Yeah there's so many when they're all grouped together in one place. But plant them next to potentially thousands of barren women and it may seem a lot smaller. We're just seeing a little slice of their world, mainly contained to Offred's "family" and that of a few other handmaids.

Look the fuck around you. It must be nice to have the luxury to turn a blind eye to what goes on in the real world, and be completely unaffected and uncaring.

Weird how something that hits so close to home for women can also make them feel things like empathy and fear and anxiety. Weird how human emotions work. Not that you'd know.

I think they were trying to determine whether she knew about the relationship b/w Emily and the Martha, if she was complicit in hiding it, and what else she might know.

I'm posting this comment here bc I think it has a better chance of getting a response than last week's, but when Offred plays Scrabble w/ the commander, how do they get away with it w/out Serena Joy finding out?

Decades? Ok. In Germany, Hitler grabbed power in 1931, there were concentration camps by 1933 and by 1937, he was annexing whole countries getting Britain's leadership to acquiesce to him, and starting the wheels turning on a World War.

Lol, no but ppl were also fleeing the country in record numbers so I don't think their neighbors were automatically like, "oh they're probably being sent to a gas chamber, back to watering my flowers." Also, you know, there was a small war going on.

I would also add that the leaders of Gilead probably don't view what the commanders do as "rape", since they're assisting in the perpetuating of humankind in their communities, and doing it for the good of the future generations. Effed up, but likely how they've justified it. We're talking about a group of people who

How so?

Apparently, taking one drag off a marijuana cigarette makes one a "rough-edged hippie" according to Dora.

Does Anna Paquin have chemistry with anyone? She's just plain awful. I remember seeing her in X-Men - the first time I saw her act - and thinking how atrocious her acting was, and it's worse here. In her romantic scenes with dudes, she has two looks - terrified (wide eyes, lots of exaggerated swallowing) or like she's

I think this is an extreme overthink. People have babies all the time that wind up w/ genes from other relatives, not necessarily their two parents. My bro and sis both have red hair, freckles, and beyond fair skin though my parents are brunette and black haired and not fair-skinned at all.

I said this last week, but there was an EXCELLENT interview with her on the podcast the Nerdist that truly displays her intelligence and wit, and will make you like Williams the person.

And they're both exceedingly selfish and narcissistic.