
I think also the intention wasn't to let her actually go through with it. If you listen carefully to what Bonnie and Nathan are saying, they're just keeping a calm demeanor bc they know full well Madeline is going to flip her shi* when she hears it. But they state a couple of times that they'll deal with the actual

I love how Bonnie was trying to be so chill about the vomiting, then breaks when Madeline finally vomits on her. I was literally LOLing.

Loved the humanity shown between Jane and Renata. As much as Madeline and Celeste are great characters, both would've advised against Jane confronting her at her home, even though it's truly the adult (and classy) thing to do, and yielded the most beneficial communication about the issue so far.

How dare they date each other? They were both invested in a years-long, fraught, on-again off-again, emotionally intense relationship, and someone who's supposedly one of her best and oldest friends turns around and starts dating him behind Hannah's back? Yeah, don't know what kind of friends you have, but no.

I couldn't disagree more with almost every point in this recap. I thought this was one of the best episodes yet.

Interesting theory…

Ahh ok, I'll go watch it again. The flashbacks led me to believe she was remembering it was him. The consensus here though seems like that's not the case.

On a lighter note, I cracked up at one of the witnesses during the police interviews who talks about meeting new couples and picturing them making love, and how she just couldn't see Ed and Madeline doing it.

But if the therapist already suspects her life is in danger, she may have already decided to throw the rulebook out in order to see Celeste privately in the hopes she'd open up and be honest about the situation.

No? Bc they superimpose his face and the back of his head, and him pouring a drink, onto the rapist's while she's standing in his office having a flood of flashbacks. Did I miss something?

Thanks for sharing. I'm often using Shazaam to find out the songs on the show's consistently great soundtrack, but didn't manage to grab that one.

UGH me too. I was like SHHHHHHH!!!!!!

As I commented above, her LEGS! Wish I could also pull off skinny flare pants like that and look that good. :)

So jealous of Laura Dern's legs! Those flare jeans, damn girl!

But…. Jane goes to confront him and her flashbacks make it pretty clear he's her rapist.

This is about the only show I'm watching right now that I'm completely absorbed by from beginning to end to the point where my mind isn't wandering and I'm not checking my phone or computer.

That's why Nicole Kidman calls her out for being unethical, to which the therapist responded, "I throw the ethical rulebook out the window when I sense danger to a client's life."

Yeah that's creepy as hell. As is the comment he made last week to Bonnie about sweaty women. I felt bad for him the first couple eps, but not anymore.

Loreen sucks. Her daughter tells her she's pregnant, a completely life-altering event, and all she can do is get high and complain that her husband left her? If I were Hannah I'd be like, see ya when you get your shi* together.

BORED TO DEATH. Now that was a show.