
Yeah that was probably the most unrealistic part of the ep. No way those kitchen workers would have put up with that for 30 seconds much less 3-4 minutes. They would've been given the unceremonious boot.

"Danced like a slut"?? Shame-y and overly extreme much?

Renata's deadbeat husband? How is he a deadbeat? We see him in almost every scene w/ his daughter, being caring toward her and trying to calm his wife about the Madeline situation, then later in the ep, he and Renata have great sex at his office after talking about how he misses the spontaneity in their relationship…

Ah, got it. Ok, this makes more sense.

THAT kinda would've been cool and more satisfying. Not sure how they would've tied it in, but the ending definitely just felt like it didn't match the rest of the season.

A timely shove? He was trying to rape her in the shrubs by the road and she was fighting for her life. She certainly didn't have the wherewithal to notice a car was coming at the exact moment she was able to push him off of her.

All of your moral compasses must be way off. Scotty was threatening Alison, blackmailing her, and was in the middle of trying to RAPE her when she pushed him and he HAPPENED to get hit by an oncoming car. I would feel next to nothing at my near-rapist's accidental death. Sorry if that makes me "emotionally paralyzed."

If she wanted to confess so badly, she would've gone to Cherry's not gone to the bar. She said that in a heated moment where it felt good to get everything off her chest bc she's spent 3 years in constant guilt. She clearly thought better of it when she cooled off.

Your logic is so off.

She stuck Helen with the tab.

I totally disagree, I think it's actually a good move. The showrunners create this character who grows steadily more unlikable over the course of a season, then it's revealed, through his mental and emotional unraveling, that there are underlying reasons for his reckless behavior and personality flaws.

LOL "tough". It's called a discussion. Your opinion was antiquated and reductive. You just want to tell the reviewer in every comment section how their opinions are wrong. But guess if anyone doesn't agree with you, it's "tough".

It's a show that's good enough you feel the need to read every review and inject your personal proclivities into the comments section of…. every review. When you don't even like it. So yeah, I'm the one who needs to get a life.

She's in control and makes all her own decisions? Did she decide to become stalker-bait? Did she decide to feel unsafe in her own home, so that she had to spend money and time getting security cameras, and looking over her shoulder, and having her doorman escort her to her apartment and wait until she checked all the

3. Noah barely has any feelings/connection for his biological children he's raised into teenage-hood. Pretty sure he can't conjure any up for a child who's Alison and Cole's.

Longer than Cole. MORE COLE.

Is Helen showing her addictions, or is Noah's viewpoint showing them?

Idk, everyone is lauding Vik as being this wonderful guy, but let's not forget he was caught saucily texting some young woman early in the season, and wouldn't commit the Helen. I think he looks great in comparison to Noah, but so does Furkat right about now.

Who cares if she's independent, that doesn't mean her mom and dad can't have an opinion about her living w/ a creepy dude twice her age.

But it would be greater if people would accept that the show is what it is, and have actual constructive dialogue instead of just showing up here to rip on how bad the writers, characters, and plotlines are this season.