
I've not indicated I'm angry at any point - you went there. And it's not just about a show, it's about commentary on the issue of women sleeping around and being labelled 'sluts', while men (like Noah on this show) do the same thing and are not.

You really don't get nuance, do you?

She uses sex as currency? That has to be one of the most incorrect statements about this show. Cole initiated the sex they had last episode, and she expected nothing from it, but obviously still has an emotional attachment to him. She and Noah slept together for similar reasons, and again, wants nothing from him

Is it great tho? The majority of ppl are just here to vent about how badly the show's shaping up this season and how much they hate Noah/Alison. And this week, how much of a slut Alison is, apparently, for having the audacity to sleep with two people while being a woman.

Cool rape joke, Noah. Guess all that dancing around whether he's a rape apologist from the dinner scenes reached a conclusive end. Sick fu**.

Yet you can't find it to download anywhere!! Anyone? I've looked on iTunes and Spotify.

Endearing qualities that coincidentally only manifest during his perspective!

More slut-shaming in the comments. Progress!

Slut shaming? Wow, we've hit a new low. Cool comment.

Plot device I guess, however thin.

Thank you.

It's not the same difference at all. Read anything ever about race/gender issues and get a clue.

Abandonment doesn't only mean leaving someone completely alone to fend for themselves; Alison left her child suddenly, w/out warning or mental or emotional preparation for any of the parties involved, and w/out any indication she was returning. That = abandonment. ESPECIALLY from a child's viewpoint. Had she not come

No one's making her into a martyr. The comment you're replying to said "why does everyone hate Luisa." There's a difference between not hating someone and making them a martyr.

Doesn't it make her less responsible? It's not like she hit him in a crosswalk, or running a red light. (Ignoring the fact that she's drunk, as that didn't really factor since the reason she hit him was she and Noah were gazing at each other) if you hit someone when you're tooling along, going the speed limit, obeying

EXACTLY this. I would love to see all these Luisa-haters deal with a situation like this in real life and be these wonderfully patient, composed people with zero emotion and the ability to step back and hold their tongues.

AGREED. I even hated the end of last season, how Noah was so done w/ Alison after her confession about Joanie, but then protects her and is clearly still obsessed. But also, maybe he's obsessed bc she's the person running away from him, and since he can't have her, therein lies his interest.

I think this show historically has male characters (Cole AND Noah) consistently remembering Alison wearing dresses and skirts, while she usually remembers wearing shorts or jeans, or at least dresses/skirts of a more modest appearance. I think the show does it on purpose to create the distinction b/w how men see her

I do see your point and understand where you're coming from, but I think these men (Ford and Arnold) grew to see them not just as robots, but as their creations, in need of advocacy and protection.

Unfortunately that's the way it is in this day and age. It's hard to avoid spoilers or theorizing if you use the internet at all for entertainment - i.e. social media, blogs, recaps. I don't think the reviewer was downright complaining, just remarking that it was tough not to have heard that theory someplace and had